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Learn English February 1th 2009 Session 1

These sentences was taken from Read it first "to make sense" about the lesson below.

In this guest post, Josh Klein shares some insights on guest posting and the 5 steps to make it work for you

splash of words:
some insight on = beberapa pengetahuan

insight = (kb) wawasan/pengetahuan

I (Darren) have added a few comments throughout this post also to add to the conversation

splash of words:
I have added a few comments throughout this post = saya sudah menambahkan beberapa komentar sepanjang post ini

througout = sepanjang/seluruh

It turns out blogging and real estate have something in common: for both, you need content and location.

turn out = merubah

splash of words:
have something in common = memiliki suatu persamaan

for both = untuk keduanya

By making strategic partnerships with other bloggers, you can produce content and put it in a great location, or you can get great content for the location you own, depending on which side of the partnership you are on.

splash of words:
by making strategic partnerships with other bloggers = dengan cara membuat relasi yang strategis dengan blogger lainnya

put in = meletakkan/menaruh

depend on = tergantung pada

Strategic partnerships can take a lot of different forms, but guest posting is the most obvious...

splas of words:
take a lot different forms = bisa memiliki banyak cara

most obvious = paling (ks) jelas

Darren got a piece of unique content without having to write it...

splash of words:
without having to write it = tanpa harus menulisnya

...and I got the authority of having shared my insights, high quality links to my blog, and 200 new subscribers in a day.

splash of words:
having shared my insights = berbagi pengetahuan saya

To work, guest posting has to be beneficial for everybody involved.

beneficial = (ks) keuntungan

splash of words:
for everybody involved = bagi semua orang yang terlibat/berpartisipasi

The best way to make a guest post pay off for YOU is to make it pay off for the reader. Write something that makes readers think - ‘I really want to read more from this person’ and they’ll check you out in droves.

pay off = terbayarkan/membawa manfaat

splas of words:

in droves = berbondong-bondong/beramai-ramai

The main thing I’d add to this is to consider whether the topic that you’re writing about has been covered before - or at least covered recently.

splash of words:
has been covered before = sudah dibahas sebelumnya

I personally don’t mind topics being repeated as long as they have fresh ideas and a new perspective - but too much on the one topic can frustrate readers.

splash of words:
being repeated = diulang

When you really wanted something as a kid, did you ask your parents for permission or forgiveness?

splash or words:
when you really wanted something as a kid = ketika anda sangat menginginkan sesuatu sebagai anak kecil

Hi Darren. I’d like to publish this guest post on Problogger, because I think I have a message that is both valuable to your readers and different than what they’ve been hearing elsewhere

splash of words:

different than what they've been hearing elsewhere = berbeda daripada apa yang sudah pernah mereka dengar ditempat lain

elsewhere = tempat lainnya

It can be really worthwhile asking the blogger what format that they’d like a post to be submitted in.

worthwhile = (ks) bermanfaat

splash of words:
a post to be submitted in = postingan yang akan didaftarkan

...especially if it’s the first time you’ve written for the blog. Anyway, guest posting is a perfect opportunity to promote someone else and demonstrate your willingness to leave your blogging bubble.

splash of words:
to promote someone else = mempromosikan orang lain


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