At first glance, some trends might show promise but on closer inspection don’t have the power to last.
glance = (kb/kki) pandangan sekilas/melihat sekilas
at first glance = pandangan pertama secara sekilas
promise = (kb) harapan
other meaning: (kb) janji; (kkt) berjanji/memberi harapan
last = (kk) bertahan
other meaning: (kb) terakhir; (ks) yang terakhir
the power to last = kekuatan untuk bertahan
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My trend predictions for 2008 were pretty close to what actually happened
pretty close = cukup dekat
what actually happened = apa yang sebenarnya terjadi
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This trend got some traction in 2008, and it’s still alive and well in ‘09.
traction = (kb) daya tarik
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Ps: All of those sentences were taken from:
Be Global Blog With English
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