users detest anything that seems like marketing fluff
detest = (kkt) benci/jijik
fluff = (kkt) kesalahan dalam bicara/membaca
Let's try not to be so gratuitous and self-inflating.
gratuitous = (ks) serampangan/yang tidak beralasan
inflate = (kkt) membusungkan dada
also has other meaning of: (kkt) memompa
inflated = (ks) yang melambung/yang mengembung
self-inflating = menyombongkan diri
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
we abandoned the marble technique for measuring boredom.
abandon = (kt) meninggalkan
boredom = (kb) kebosanan/rasa bosan
measuring boredom = mengukur kebosanan
we relied on spoken comments in Study 2 and...
relied >> relay >> (kkt) mengandalkan/mempercayakan/menyandarkan
spoken comments = komentar yang terucap/diucapkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
You can't just throw information up there and clutter up cyberspace
clutter = (kb/kkt) mengusutkan/mengacaukan
clutter up cyberspace = mengacaukan dunia maya
Participants came from a variety of occupations, mainly non-technical.
occupation = (kb) pekerjaan/kesibukan
variety of occupations = bermacam-macam pekerjaan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
This review needs a complete rewrite to put it into more down-to-earth language
down-to-earth = (istilah) yang umum/dikenal banyak orang
down-to-earth language = bahasa yang bisa dikenali dengan baik
it's better to have condensed information that's no bigger than one screen
condense >> (kkt/kki) menyingkatkan/memadatkan
condensed >> (ks) yang disingkat/yang dipadatkan
condensed information = informasi yang disingkat; here word "condensed" has a mean of (ks) yang disingkat/yang dipadatkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
2 participants said hypertext can be distracting if a site contains "too many" links.
distract = (kk) mengganggu/membingungkan
can be distracting = bisa mengganggu
Graphics that add nothing to the text are a distraction and waste of time
waste = membuang/menghabiskan
waste of time = membuang waktu
Each version had a distinct writing style
distinct = (ks) jelas/nyata
distinctly = (kk) secara jelas/dengan jelas
a distinct writing style = gaya penulisan yang jelas
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Users of the scannable and concise versions of the website will spend significantly less time performing tasks
concise = (ks) ringkas/singkat/kecil
concise versions of the website = website versi singkat
spend = menghabiskan/mengeluarkan
perform = (kkt/kki) melakukan/memainkan/menyelenggarakan
performing tasks = melaksanakan tugas
-the end-
Ps: all of those sentences above were taken from
Be Global Blog With English
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