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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 18 Februari 2009

Well, today I will teach you that important lesson, how to make money, not just slave away your life in a cubicle at a rich corporation.

slave away your life = memperbudak hidup anda

slave = (kb) budak; (kki) bekerja keras

cubicle = (kb) kamar/ruangan kecil

a rich corporation = perusahaan kaya

Now, I was dumbfounded but I did follow his advice and “barely” graduated in 5 years, almost failing one class, but ended up with an A- simply because my TA hooked me up.

I was dumbfounded = saya tercengang

dumbfounded = (ks) tercengang/ternganga

dumbfound = (kb) mengherankan/menakjubkan

and "barely" graduated in 5 years = dan "hampir" lulus dalam waktu 5 tahun

almost failing one class = hampir gagal dalam satu kelas

After that, I somehow knew school was just an ideal platform for non-ideal people.

after that = setelah itu

somehow = (kk) bagaimanapun juga/entah bagaimana

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I did learn whole bunch of calculus, physics, and engineering, but THAT doesn’t make you money.

don't get me wrong = jangan salahkan saya

bunch = (kb) ikat/gerombolan/kumpulan; (kkt) menyatukan

The worst part was that after college, everyone told me to get a JOB!

the worst part = bagian terburuk

to get a job = mendapatkan/mencari pekerjaan

I got a JOB and that was the worst part of my life, slaving like everyone else in the rat race.

the worst part of my life = bagian terburuk dalam hidup saya

like everyone else = seperti yang lainnya

the rat race = balapan tikus

Here’s one advice that will help you get out of the rat race and traditional stuff they teach you in school

get out = keluar

Even if you do have a job, you still have to keep trying every minute, hour, day, and that’s all I can tell you.

even = bahkan

have to = harus

= the end =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from:
Be Global Blog With English

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