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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 20 Februari 2009 (Favorite)

But getting into this game can be difficult - particularly in the early days while you’re still growing traffic.

can be difficult = bisa menjadi sulit

particularly = (kk) terutama

in the early days = di awal-awal hari

Below are 5 ways that I secured direct ad deals with sponsors in the early days of my first blogs

secure = (kkt) memperoleh/mendapatkan

another meaning of "secure":
:(ks) terjamin/terkunci/aman/kokoh
:(kkt) menjamin/mengunci/melindungi/menutupi
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

To say Jack Welch is cocky is a gross understatement.

cocky = (ks) sombong

gross = (kb) kasar

another meaning of "gross":
:(kb) 12 lusing/144 buah
:(kb) besar
:(kb) kasar
:(kkt) mendapatk keuntungan kotor

grossly: (kk) terlalu/nyata sekali

understatement: (kb) keterangan [pernyataan] yang mengecilkan[meremehkan]
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

And that was in fact just what the brazen young engineer did

brazen = (ks/kkt) kurang ajar/tidak tahu malu

the brazen young engineer = insinyur muda yang tidak tahu malu

During the first five years of his tenure,..

during = (kb) selama

during the five years = selama lima tahun

tenure = masa jabatan/kedudukan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Welch was obsessed with dismantling nine-layers of bureaucracy, cutting inventories, shutting down factories, reducing payrolls and cutting lackluster product lines.

dismantle = (kkt) membongkar

layer = (kb) lapisan

bureaucracy = (kb) birokrasi

shut down = menutup

lackluster = (ks) tidak semangat/semarak
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

He had a ferocious desire for efficiency. And profit.

ferocious = (ks) galak/ganas/garang/buas

And earnings grew tenfold.

tenfold = 10 kali lipat

And to remain focused, lean, fast and competitive.

remain focused = tetap fokus

lean = ramping

fast = cepat

competitive = bersaing
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Ideas, projects or business that couldn’t meet this criteria were thrown on the trash heap.

trash = (kb) sampah

heap = (kb) tumpukan/timbunan

heap = (kkt) menumpuk/menimbun

the trash heap = tumpukan sampah

You have to think about this deeply before you tackle a project like a blog

deeply = (kk) secara dalam

tackle = (kkt) mengerjakan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Watch blog launches by successful bloggers and you’ll get the sense that not only did they take Welch’s principle into consideration–but they in fact live or die by it.

watch = (kkt/kki) melihat

successful bloggers = peblogger yang sukses

get the sense = mendapatkan rasa/nuansa

into consideration = menjadi pertimbangan

in fact = nyatanya/secara fakta
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

These bloggers launched blogs they were fairly confident they could dominate as #1 or #2.

fairly = (kk) cukup/hampir/agak

confident = (ks) percaya diri/yakin/pasti

fairly confident = cukup percaya diri

could dominate = bisa menguasai

Maki had a monstrous mountain of competition already on the playing field.

monstrous = (ks) besar sekali/dahsyat
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

And new marketing and copywriting blogs constantly emerging

constantly = (kk) secara teratur/dengan terus menerus

emerge = (kki) muncul/timbul

constantly emerging = secara terus-menerus bermunculan

But he’s defined himself pretty narrowly

he's defined himself = dia mendefinisikan dirinya sendiri

pretty narrowly = cukup sempit
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= the end =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from: I suggest you to read it first before starting out
Be Global Blog With English

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