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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 09 Februari 2009 Sesi 2 (Favorite)

I don’t say it to brag.

brag = (kki) menyombongkan/membual

...building trust with my readership, and hobnobbing with gurus so that they would promote my products.

building trust = membangun kepercayaan

hobnob = (kki) bergaul dengan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Pretty sneaky, huh? = cukup berterus terang, yah?

sneaky = (ks) yang suka berterus terang

...and if you do it right, your “victims” are more than happy to comply.

comply = (kki) menuruti/mengikuti

The basic idea of apprenticing is that you go to work for a “Master,” and in exchange, they train you,...

in exchange = sebagai gantinya
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

the biggest misconception people have about partnering is that you have to be a “somebody”...

misconception = salah pengertian/pemahaman

If I wanted to avoid starvation, I needed to find a new career...

starvation = (kb) kelaparan

I wonder if I can use the partnering strategies I’ve learned in real estate to make myself a success online

wonder = penasaran/ingin tahu
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

All I needed was a way to grab the attention of the Internet elite,...

grab the attention = mengambil perhatian

a 25-year-old that had built several multimillion dollar businesses almost entirely over the phone

almost entirely over the phone = hampir semuanya melalui telepon

almost = hampir

entirely = semuanya/seluruhnya

Besides, most personal finance blogs are almost fanatically focused on frugality.

beside = disamping itu/selain itu

focused on frugality = konsentrasi ke kecermatan

frugality = (kb) kecermatan/kehematan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

It occurred to me that this might be exactly the chance I was looking for.

occur = (kki) terjadi
also can be meant of : (kki) terdapat

That’s when Brian started to notice me.

notice = (kkt) memperhatikan/perhatian
other meaning: (kb) perhatian; (kb) pengumuman; (kb) perhatian

But really, I didn’t write for either reason.

for either reason = salah satu dari alasan itu
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

And so I did. I finally had the courage to propose a partnership to Brian.

courage = (kb) keberanian/keteguhan hati

propose = (kkt/kki) mengusulkan/menawarkan

Regardless of their field, all superstars have a common problem:
an overabundance of opportunity

regardless of their field = tanpa memperhatikan dari bidang mereka

regardelss = (ks) tanpa memperhatikan/menghiraukan
= (kk) bagaimanapun juga

overabundance = (ks) melimpah/meluap-luap

overabundance opportunity = kesempatan yang melimpah
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

And it bothers them.

bother = (kb/kkt/kki) menggangu/menyusahkan/mengacaukan

despite the seeming inequity in that relationship, we were able to structure a partnership

despite = (kb) walaupun/meskipun

inequity = (kb) ketidakadilan

-that's all-

Ps: all of those sentences above were taken from:

Be Global Blog With English

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