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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 02 Februari 2009 Sesi 1

these sentences was taken from Read it first would be better.

No matter what other marketers say about content, it is still an integral part of a blog.

no matter what other marketer say about content,
maksudnya: tidak masalah apa yang pemasar lainnya katakan tentang konten

People always go online to peruse some kind of contents.

what is the meaning of "peruse" in bahasa?

Peruse = (kkt) membaca dengan teliti

What I agree on is that, content by itself worth nothing.

what I agree on,
maksudnya: apa yang saya setujui

content by itself...,
maksudnya: content itu sendiri...(menerangkan tentang konten itu sendiri)

It needs consumers as much as a blog needs readers.

what is the different meaning between "consumer" and "customer" in bahasa?

maksudnya: (kb) konsumen/pemakai


maksudnya: (kb) langganan

so, udah tahu kan perbedaannya...

Currently contents are not only limited to text and image, but also audio and video.

not only..., but also...
comment: "not only" dan "but also" menjadi sepasang kata, yang maksudnya: " tidak hanya bla.bla.bla.., tapi juga bla.bla.bla.."

Consumers have more options to choose from.

to choose from
maksudnya: "memilih dari" atau dalam kalimat ini, maksudnya "apa yang dapat dipilih"

By content, it doesn’t mean random page of text that lure the search engines and visitors to come to your site.

that lure the search engine = memikat search engine

lure, artinya: (kb) pikatan, bujukan, iming-iming dan bisa juga memiliki arti (kkt) memikat

As search engines become smarter, and if you want to build long term readership...

splash of words:
build long term readership = membangun pembaca jangka panjang

long term,
maksudnya: memiliki artian jangka panjang
..., you should focus on creating strong, interesting and engaging content so not only the consumers are eager to read, listen or watch it, but also looking forward for more.

focus on = konsentrasi pada...

engaging content
maksudnya: (ks) konten yang menarik hati

"engage" has many meaning depends on the "before and after" word that following. But in this sentences, "engaging" pointing to "menarik hati/sesuatu yang menarik"

Again, with so many blogs nowadays, the last thing people want is just another blog.

nowaday = saat ini

splash of words:
the last thing people want = hal terakhir yang orang inginkan

On the other hand, people are always looking for fresh and unique content.

splash of words:
on the other hand = disisi lain/dengan kata lain

As a blogger, you should create content that people look forward to consume. That’s the first step to building a successful blog.

splash of words:
that people look forward to consume = apa yang orang harapkan untuk dikonsumsi

look forward = berharap/mengharapkan

...and producing various articles as a guest blogger on other people’s blogs.

splash of words:

producing various articles = menghasilkan artikel yang bermacam-macam

During hard times when people tend to cut down cost, content remains a solid strategy for bloggers because anyone with even no budget can afford to create content.

splash of words:
content remains a solid strategy = konten masih menjadi strategi yang solid

during = selama

tend = (kki) cenderung

cut down = mengurangi/memotong

afford = mampu

By targeting on one or a handful of goals, you are more likely to gain results.

more likely = lebih mungkin [untuk]...

Scattered effort on contents yield random result.

scattered effort = usaha yang terpencar-pencar

yield = menghasilkan

Let me elaborate a bit about integrated content strategy.

splash of words:
let me elaborate a bit = mari saya jelaskan sedikit lebih dalam

elaborate = menguraikan secara terperinci

An Indonesian idiom goes as “Rowing once to surpass two or three islands at a time.”

rowing once = sekali mendayung

surpass = melampaui

in this sentences, in bahasa has meaning: "sekali mendayung, dua atau tiga pulau terlampaui". Sebuah peribahasa

As said before, nowadays, consumers have choices

splash of words:
as said before = seperti yang telah dikatakan sebelumnya

that's all folks, see you next session...

Be Global Blog With English

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