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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 18 Februari 2009 Sesi 2

If your blog were to die today - how would it be remembered?

if your blog were to die today = jika blog anda mati hari ini

"if" merupakan bentuk kata pengandaian, dan biasanya diikuti dengan kata lampau [di kalimat ini diwakilkan oleh kata] "were"

be remembered = (kt.pasif) diingat
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Here’s a little 2 part exercise that might be fun (although slightly morbid) - and hopefully insightful.

2 part exercise = 2 bagian latihan

that might be fun = yang mungkin menyenangkan

although slightly morbid = walaupun agak tidak tidak wajar

slightly = agak/sedikit

morbid = (ks) tidak wajar/abnormal
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Write an obituary for your blog 10 years in the future

obituary = berita kematian

10 years in the future = 10 tahun kedepan

Keep in mind that your blog has been as successful as it can be and you’re ending it at the peak of its game.

keep in mind = diingat-ingat

the peak of its game = puncak dari permainan ini
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

How do you hope it will have been perceived?

have been perceived = telah/sudah dirasakan

perceive = (kkt) merasa

Take 10 minutes to write this obituary and dare to dream big.

dare to dream big = berani untuk bermimipi besar

dare = (kb) tantangan, keberanian; (kkt) berani; (ks) yang berani
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Perhaps it was hacked, perhaps you just decided to delete it or perhaps your server died and you didn’t have a backup - the reason doesn’t matter - the exercise remains the same.

perhaps = (kk) mungkin/barangkali/boleh jadi

the reason doesn't matter = alasan tidak masalah

the exercise remains the same = latihannya tetap sama

remain = (kki) masih/tetap; (kb) sisa/bekas; (ks) sisanya/yang tersisa

same = (ks) sama/serupa
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

How has it fulfilled a need or service in people’s lives.

fulfil = (kkt) memenuhi/menyelesaikan

a need = sebuah kebutuhan

service = pelayanan

This exercise is one I did a few years back in another context and it was a powerful and motivating exercise.

a few years back = beberapa tahun yang lalu

in another context = dalam konteks lainnya

a powerful and motivating exercise = latihan yang hebat dan memotivasi
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Once you’ve compared your two obituaries - the next step is to start to put together some concrete steps that will enable you to move from the present reality to the dream for your future

once = begitu/sekali

the next step = langkah berikutnya

put together = meletakkan secara bersamaan

concrete = (ks) nyata; also has another meaning, that is "(kb) beton"

enable = (kkt) membuat bisa, memungkinkan, membolehkan

These sorts of dreams don’t just happen - rather they are the result of taking daily steps towards your goals.

these sorts of dreams = mimpi-mimpi ini

don't just happen = tidak begitu saja terjadi

the results of = hasil dari

taking daily steps towards your goals = mengambil langkah harian terhadap tujuan anda

your goals = tujuan/cita-cita anda
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= the end =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from: I suggest you to read it first to fully understand "in the context" of this lesson
Be Global Blog With English

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