Because ideas are fleeting they must be recorded.
fleeting = (kki/ks) berlalu begitu cepat
Then later, your Blog Editorial Calendar will be jam-packed with articles that you gleaned from your two “Idea Banks.”
glean = mengumpulkan sedikit demi sedikit
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You can begin the topic for the article in numerous ways...
in numerous ways = dalam banyak cara
numerous = (ks) banyak
...that illustrates the way in which facts relate to one another while prioritizing individual points
relate to one another = berhubungan satu dengan lainnya
one another = satu dan/dengan lainnya
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Mind-mapping is an especially freeing tool for bloggers who tend to be perfectionists and procrastinators who have a hard time beginning a project.
an especially freeing tool = alat khusus untuk pembebasan
tend to be perfectionists and procrastinators = cenderung perfeksionis dan tukang menunda-nunda
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Mind-mapping works well for them because it doesn’t feel intimidating like a traditional outline often does.
feel intimidating = merasa terancam/takut
...these bloggers know they don’t have to worry about a particular order,
particular order = susunan yang khusus
particular = khusus
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that worry (fear) no longer blocks them from beginning nor slows down their progress,
nor = not or = dan juga tidak
...find websites, books and even new software that explains the mind-mapping technique in depth.
in depth = lebih dalam
explains the mind-mapping techniques in depth = menjelaskan teknik pemetaan-pikiran secara lebih mendalam
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if we translate above sentence into bahasa will be: "tidak ada/mengenal yang namanya writer block"
no such thing as... = tidak ada yang namanya...
they’re scared that if they write something down and show it to the world then that means they are vulnerable to others people’s opinions
scared = (ks) takut
vulnerable = (ks) mudah diserang/mudah mendapat kritikan
they are vulnerable to others people's opinions = mereka mudah diserang terhadap opini orang lain
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Forget people-pleasing—that is a no-win trap. Just write and commit.
people-pleasing = menyenangkan orang
no-win trap = jebakan yang tanpa kemenangan; jebakan yang merugikan
it’s a “green light” all the way.
all the way = sepanjang jalan
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-that's it, no more..-
Ps: the sentences all of the examples above were taken from
Be Global Blog With English
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