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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 07 Februari 2009

Twitter didn’t even exist.

didn't even = tidak pernah

Now Twitter is a force that any serious web publisher needs to reckon with in order to gain maximum exposure for content.

to reckon with = (kkt) memperhitungkan

Publishers can complain and wistfully wish for the good old days of blog links and Google juice,...

wistfully = (kk) dengan prihatin
meanwhile, word "wistfal" have meaning of: (ks) sedih

...or they can adapt to the new reality Twitter represents.

adapt = (kkt/kki) menyesuaikan

...which in turn can boost your subscriber numbers.

which in turn = yang mana pada gilirannya...

boost = (kkt) meningkatkan/menaikkan

...the best way to persuade people to do it is to ask them to.

persuade = (kkt) membujuk/mengajak

...and it tells us that a link is an important ingredient to ReTweetable Tweets.

ingredient = bahan baku

Nearly every form of viral sharing that I’ve looked into includes some form of social proof.

nearly = (kk) hampir

some form of social proof = beberapa bentuk terhadap bukti sosial

Humans have a natural tendency toward imitation, especially of those who they assume have more or better information than themselves.

tendency = (kb) kecenderungan

imitation = (kb) peniruan/tiruan

a natural tendency toward imitation = memiliki sifat cenderung meniru

The likelihood of a tweet being ReTweeted increases dramatically each time it is ReTweeted.

likelihood = (kb) kemungkinan
--------------- order to stimulate further organic ReTweeting

stimulate = (kkt) merangsang

meanwhile, word "stimulating" has meaning of: (ks) yang membangkitkan gairah/rangsangan

This can be especially powerful if you can get well known users to share your content,...

well known = (kb) terkenal

well known users = pengguna yang terkenal

while I’ve been guilty of this a few times myself,...

guilty = (ks) bersalah

...“value” is far too nebulous a word to be considered useful advice.

nebulous = (ks) samar-samar

In the context of ReTweets, value comes in a variety of formats,...

a variety of formats = [dalam] berbagai bentuk/variasi

I’ve been able to deduce a few common...

deduce = (kkt) menarik kesimpulan

-Ok, that's all - done-

Ps: All of those sentences above were taken from

Be Global Blog With English

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