I agree with the importance of blogging, but what if you’re an artist and would like to combine a portfolio with a blog, some insight would be helpful! I welcome any critique!
the importance of blogging = pentingnya ngeblog
combine = (kkt) menyatukan/menggabungkan
some insight = beberapa wawasan/pengetahuan
insight = (kb) wawasan/pengetahuan
would be helpul = akan membantu
critique = (kb) kritik/kupasan/tinjauan
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--------------------------------I am not a professional artist nor photographer by any means but I have seen a lot of techniques other artist-type bloggers have been using.
nor = not or = juga tidak/ataupun bukan
by any mean = dalam artian apapun
a lot of techniques = banyak teknik
--------------I do see a high number of successful bloggers who promote through high-resolution photos that are copyrighted.
high number = jumlah banyak
through = melalui
high-resolution photos = photo dengan resoluasi tinggi
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--------------------------------But you can make money indirectly through other graphic designers and alike who want to use your photos in their website/company brochure/etc…etc…
other graphic designers = tukang desain gambar lainnya
alike = yang mirip
brochure = brosur
couple thousand visitors = beberapa ribu pengunjung
a similiar thing = sesuatu yang mirip
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--------------------------------But if you are seriously trying to rack up cash, I have an idea, just make an e-store where people can order your art.
rack up = menaikkan/meningkatkan
seamlessly = dengan rapi/rapi
the most important part = bagian yang paling penting
a good monetization strategy = strategi monetise yang bagus
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- the end -
Ps: all of those sentences were taken from http://zedomax.biz/blog/make-money-online/how-to-make-money-with-artphoto-blogs/
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