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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 19 Februari 2009

Hype has many guises or nuances.

guise = (kb) samaran/berkedok

nuance = (kb) nuansa

Well, if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so too is hype.

in the eye of the beholder = di mata [orang] yang melihat

behold = (kkt) melihat
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

And so, for ease of understanding and with a bow to those who either adore or loathe hype–I will divide hype into two broad categories

for ease of understanding = untuk memudahkan dalam memahami

adore = (kkt) memuja

loathe = (kk) benci

loathing = (kb) kebencian/kejijikan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

We’ve all been exposed to copy that exclaims in absolutely superlative fashion the benefits of an advertised product.

expose = (kkt) membuka/menyingkap

exclaim = (kkt/kki) berseru/menyerukan

superlative = (ks) unggul/terbaik
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

we’re constantly bombarded by hypey modifiers screaming: best, biggest, fastest, easiest, greatest, amazing, unique, revolutionary… and so forth.

constantly = (kk) dengan terus menerus/tak henti-hentinya

bombarded >> bombard = diserbu/diserang

so forth = dan seterusnya
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Even if the remainder of the ad were written impeccably–and by impeccably, I mean, you immediately provide undeniable, authoritative proof, confirming that wrinkles will indeed disappear overnight–that claim will still be the rusty nail that blows out the ad’s tires.

impeccably = tanpa cela

reminder = pengingat

undeniable = yang tidak tertolakkan/yang tidak dapat ditolak

authoritative = (ks) berwenang

wrinkle = (kb) kerutan; (kkt) mengerutkan; (kki) menjadi kusut

wrinkled = (ks) yang berkerut; yang kusut

indeed = (kk) sungguh-sungguh

disappear = (kki) hilang/menghilang

overnight = dalam satu malam

the rusty nail = paku yang berkarat

rusty = (ks) berkarat

nail = paku

blow out = meledakkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Well, proof and credibility are of course essential to any claim in any ad–without it you clearly have written hype of the bad kind.

proof = bukti

credibility = kepercayaan

essential = penting

claim = klaim

clearly = secara jelas

the bad kind = sesuatu yang jelek
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

But even with proof–if the proof is not “placed” wisely–it’ll be ignored… along with the ad itself.

even with proof = bahkan dengan bukti

wisely = (kk) dengan tepat/bijaksana

it'll be ignored >> it will be ignored = akan diabaikan

along with = sejalan dengan/selaras dengan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Consumers learn quickly–they have to. By one account, the average American is deluged with over 5,000 advertisements in one form or another every single day.

consumers learn quickly = konsumen belajar dengan cepat

quickly = dengan cepat

deluge = (kb) banjir; (kkt) membanjiri

the average American is deluged with over 5,000 advertisements

the average American = rata-rata warga Amerika

is deluged with = dibanjiri dengan

over 5,000 advertisements = lebih dari 5000 iklan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Hence, the unavoidable consequence: skepticism and disbelief abounds in the marketplace.

hence = (kk) sebab itu; karena itu; karenanya

unavoidable = tidak terhindarkan

unavoidable consequence = konsekuensi yang tidak terhindarkan

disbelief = ketidakpercayaan

abound = (kki) belimpah/penuh
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

So… while in the past, making a claim and immediately following it up with proof may have been a wise, prudent and necessary tack to take–times have now changed.

in the past = dimasa lalu

prudent = (ks) bijaksana; hati-hati

prudently = (kk) dengan bijaksana; hati-hati

times have now changed = waktu sekarang sudah berubah
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Assemble and present your credentialing elements, your evidence–your entire body of incontrovertible proof–in clear and linear fashion.

assemble = (kkt) memasang

present = (kb) hadiah

credential = (kb) surat kepercayaan/mandat

credence = (kb) kepercayaan

evidence = (kb) bukti/fakta/keterangan/petunjuk

incontrovertible = (ks) yang tidak dapat dibantah
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Create strong and overwhelming direction and momentum.

strong = (kb/ks) kuat

overwhelming = (ks) besar sekali/berlimpahan

direction = (kb) petunjuk

Turn hype into an undisputed conclusion

dispute = (kb) perselisihan/percekcokan; (kkt) membantah/memperselisihkan/memperdebatkan

undisputed conclusion = kesimpulan yang tidak terbantahkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

If executed skillfully, your hype will also have the added benefit of becoming sustainable and actionable.

skillfully = secara terampil

sustainable = yang bisa terus menerus

actionable = yang bisa dikerjakan/dilaksanakan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= end, see you next session... =

ps: all of those sentences were taken from: I suggest you to read it first to fully understand "in the context" of this lesson
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