an excellent way = cara yang hebat
a wide audience = pengunjung dari semua kalangan
can also = juga dapat
your own blog = blog milik anda
a few reasons = beberapa alasan
a bad idea = ide buruk/jelek
devalue = menurunkan nilai
desperate = (ks) putus asa
be begging for money = mengemis untuk uang
beg = (kkt) mengemis/meminta
could you = bisakah anda/dapatkah anda
something more valuable = sesuatu yang lebih bernilai
less likely = kecil kemungkinan
empty ad spots = titik iklan yang kosong
the impression of flexibility = kesan fleksibel/bebas/tidak mengikat
- end -
Ps: all of those sentences were taken from
Be Global Blog With English
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