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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 13 Februari 2009

I currently run a business = Saya sekarang ini menjalankan bisnis

currently = saat ini

My story started couple years back at my former job at Comfile Technology Inc,

couple years back = beberapa tahun yang lalu

my former job = pekerjaan saya yang dulu

former = (ks) yang terlebih dahulu; (ks) bekas

formerly = (kk) tadinya/dahulu

During my work at Comfile, I started a blog to promote those computer chips.

during my work at Comfile = selama pekerjaan saya di Comfile

during = (kb) selama/pada waktu

Due to popularity of my DIY articles, my blog got digged and received over 100,000 visits in few days.

due to = karena/disebabkan oleh

in few days = dalam bebearapa hari

I then proceeded to invest my own money into a new DIY blog called

my own money = duit saya sendiri

own = (ks) kepunyaan sendiri

Eventually, I quit my job, kept blogging and made more blogs for other companies like

eventually = (kb) akhirnya

eventual = (ks) pada akhirnya

quit = (kkt) berhenti

For other companies = untuk perusahaan lainnya

My profit is still just good enough to pay rent, taxes, food, and whatnot, but I am making more money than I ever did with any job.

good enough = cukup bagus

than I ever did = daripada yang pernah saya kerjakan

Plus, the growth of blogs are still great even though the economy is bad

the growth of blogs = pertumbuhan blog

even though = bahkan walaupun

I believe this is due to the fact that internet possesses a world-wide audience

due to the fact = disebabkan oleh fakta/berdasarkan fakta

possess = (kkt) memiliki

a world wide audience = pendengar/penonton dari seluruh dunia

What I value now most, after owning my own business, is the freedom of time

what I value now most = apa yang saya nilai lebih sekarang ini

the freedom of time = kebebasan waktu

I do believe that you need to be at the right place, at the right time to succeed and that could be attributed to karma, zen, whatever you want to call it.

at the right place = di tempat yang benar

at the right time = di waktu yang benar

succeed = berhasil

What I realize during my start-up years is that you need to make your own niche.

realize = (kkt) sadari

start-up years = permulaan tahun

niche = ceruk/khusus

Like the blue ocean, you need to be alone in the world.

to be alone = menjadi sendiri

I also find that if you love what you do, you have higher chance of success.

higher chance of success = kesempatan untuk sukses lebih tinggi

chance = (kb) kesempatan

They worried that I’d be homeless in couple months.

homeless = (kb) tuna wisma/gelandangan

in couple months = dalam beberapa bulan

= done =

Ps: All of those sentences were taken from
Be Global Blog With English

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