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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 16 Februari 2009

Maybe people are stressed about the media doom-and-gloom news lately.

be stressed about = dibuat frustasi oleh

doom = (kb) malapetaka

gloom = (kb) kesuraman/kegelapan

The economy isn’t doing too well, and that can cause some concerns.

isn't doing too well = tidak berjalan secara baik

too well = sangat bagus

some concerns = beberapa perhatian
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Maybe too many people are trying too hard to cram too much in a day that only has 24 hours.

too many people = terlalu banyak orang

cram = (kkt) menjejalkan/memasukkan dengan paksa

in a day = dalam satu hari

Whatever the reason, it isn’t fun to deal with.

whatever the reason = apapun alasannya

Many freelancers are upstanding people.

upstanding = (ks) tulus/baik
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Sometimes they still go the extra mile for that client who just wrecked their day with a thoughtless remark.

wreck = merusak

a thoughtless remark = ucapan yang tanpa dipikir

They get insulted, shouted at and abused.

insult = (kb) penghinaan, cercaan
= (kkt) menghina

insulting = (ks) yang menghina

shout = (kb/kkt) teriakan/meneriakkan

abuse = (kb/kkt) penyalahgunaan/menyalahgunakan

There are people in the world who believe that freelancers are there at their beck and call, lowly workers with no feelings.

lowly = (ks) rendah/yang rendah
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

But that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel hurt, get upset or grumble for a while, and it doesn’t take much to derail a person’s day.

hurt = (kb/kki) sakit/menyakiti

upset = sedih

grumble = (kb/kki) keluhan/mengeluh

One rude comment, one hurtful remark, or one self-centered moment, and a freelancer can be left thinking, “I didn’t deserve that.”

rude comment = komentar yang kasar

hurtful remark = ucapan yang menyakitkan

deserve = pantas
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

- end -

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from
Be Global Blog With English

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