be stressed about = dibuat frustasi oleh
doom = (kb) malapetaka
gloom = (kb) kesuraman/kegelapan
-----------------------------The economy isn’t doing too well, and that can cause some concerns.
isn't doing too well = tidak berjalan secara baik
too well = sangat bagus
some concerns = beberapa perhatian
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too many people = terlalu banyak orang
cram = (kkt) menjejalkan/memasukkan dengan paksa
in a day = dalam satu hari
whatever the reason = apapun alasannya
upstanding = (ks) tulus/baik
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-----------------------------Sometimes they still go the extra mile for that client who just wrecked their day with a thoughtless remark.
wreck = merusak
a thoughtless remark = ucapan yang tanpa dipikir
insult = (kb) penghinaan, cercaan
= (kkt) menghina
insulting = (ks) yang menghina
shout = (kb/kkt) teriakan/meneriakkan
abuse = (kb/kkt) penyalahgunaan/menyalahgunakan
lowly = (ks) rendah/yang rendah
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hurt = (kb/kki) sakit/menyakiti
upset = sedih
grumble = (kb/kki) keluhan/mengeluh
-----------------------------One rude comment, one hurtful remark, or one self-centered moment, and a freelancer can be left thinking, “I didn’t deserve that.”
hurtful remark = ucapan yang menyakitkan
deserve = pantas
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- end -
Ps: all of those sentences were taken from
Be Global Blog With English
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