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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 21 Februari 2009

Seven Expert Tips For Outstanding Web Writing

outstanding = (ks) terkemuka, terkenal

One of the most irritating mistakes on a blog – and one of the easiest to fix – is having lines of text that are too cramped up.

irritate = (kkt) mengganggu

irritating = (ks) [yang] mengganggu

one of the most irritating mistakes on a blog = salah satu kesalahan yang paling mengganggu di blog

cramp up = kaku
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

A lot of lists can also make the text look “choppy” on the page, as the reader’s eyes will skip from one to the next.

a lot of list = banyak daftar

can also = juga dapat

choppy = (ks) berombak

skip = (kb) lompatan; loncatan

skip = (kkt/kki) melompati; melewati
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

If you put a title tag in your link, readers can get extra information about the link when they hover over it.

hover = (kki) melayang

hover over = melayang diatas

Your writing will look more polished and professional if you’re consistent

polished = (ks) halus

polish = (kb) semir; kilap; halus

This doesn’t need to be a huge task – you can just add to it as you go along.

a huge task = tugas yang banyak

as you go along = sepanjang perjalanan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= Finished =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from:
Be Global Blog With English

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