seems like = nampaknya/rupa-rupanya/sepertinya
be talking about = talk about = membicarakan tentang
if you want tell a story about someone or something, just use this word "talk about"
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how well = seberapa baik; betapa baik
create desire = menciptakan hasrat/keinginan
desire = (kb/kkt) keinginan/hasrat
build trust = membangun kepercayaan
trust = (kb/kkt) kepercayaan/mempercayai
trusted = (ks) yang dipercaya
make money = membuat uang/menghasilkan uang
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psychological tactics = taktik psikologi
formidable = (ks) hebat
contender = (kb) pesaing/lawan
formidable contender = lawan yang hebat
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be paying attention = pay attention = memberi perhatian
nothing special to look at = tidak ada yang spesial untuk dilihat
pick out = mengambil/memilih
crowd = (kb) kerumunan/ramai banyak orang
another meaning:
crowd = (kkt) berdesak-desakan
crowded = (ks) yang ramai
a thousand people = ribuan orang
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a sleek website = website yang rapi
sleek = (kb) rapi; licin; manis; halus
despite = (kb) meskipun/walaupun
in 24 hours = dalam 24 jam
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adore = (kkt) memuji/mencintai/suka
a regular person = orang biasa
no one special = tidak ada yang special
obviously = (kk) dengan jelas
other meaning:
obvious = (ks) jelas; nyata
exude = (kkt) memancarkan
every single minute = setiap menitnya
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by influencing consumers = melalui mempengaruhi konsumen
be geared to = diarahkan/ditujukan untuk
relate = (kkt/kki) menghubungkan
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= end, that's all folks =
ps: all of those sentences were taken from I suggest you to read it first to fully understand "in the context" of this lesson.
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