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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 17 Februari 2009

Frank Kern is an internet marketer, and it seems like everyone’s talking about him these days.

seems like = nampaknya/rupa-rupanya/sepertinya

be talking about = talk about = membicarakan tentang

if you want tell a story about someone or something, just use this word "talk about"
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

They’re all hopping on the crazy bandwagon and telling you how well Frank’s techniques work to create desire, build trust and make money.

how well = seberapa baik; betapa baik

create desire = menciptakan hasrat/keinginan

desire = (kb/kkt) keinginan/hasrat

build trust = membangun kepercayaan

trust = (kb/kkt) kepercayaan/mempercayai

trusted = (ks) yang dipercaya

make money = membuat uang/menghasilkan uang
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Frank Kern uses some psychological tactics that make him a pretty formidable contender on the scene.

psychological tactics = taktik psikologi

formidable = (ks) hebat

contender = (kb) pesaing/lawan

formidable contender = lawan yang hebat
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
His videos are worth paying attention to.

be paying attention = pay attention = memberi perhatian

Frank is nothing special to look at. You wouldn’t be able to pick him out of a crowd of a thousand people.

nothing special to look at = tidak ada yang spesial untuk dilihat

pick out = mengambil/memilih

crowd = (kb) kerumunan/ramai banyak orang

another meaning:
crowd = (kkt) berdesak-desakan
crowded = (ks) yang ramai

a thousand people = ribuan orang
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
He doesn’t have a sleek website, and he doesn’t look rich, despite reported sales of more than $23 million in 24 hours.

a sleek website = website yang rapi

sleek = (kb) rapi; licin; manis; halus

despite = (kb) meskipun/walaupun

in 24 hours = dalam 24 jam
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
They absolutely adore him because he’s just like them - a regular person, no one special.

adore = (kkt) memuji/mencintai/suka

a regular person = orang biasa

no one special = tidak ada yang special

He obviously does, and he exudes the right level of confidence every single minute.

obviously = (kk) dengan jelas

other meaning:
obvious = (ks) jelas; nyata

exude = (kkt) memancarkan

every single minute = setiap menitnya
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
He’s successful, he’s smart, and he teaches people ways to get what they want by influencing consumers.

by influencing consumers = melalui mempengaruhi konsumen

Everything that he does is geared to making sure that people can relate to him easily.

be geared to = diarahkan/ditujukan untuk

relate = (kkt/kki) menghubungkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= end, that's all folks =

ps: all of those sentences were taken from I suggest you to read it first to fully understand "in the context" of this lesson.
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