if your blog were to die today = jika blog anda mati hari ini
"if" merupakan bentuk kata pengandaian, dan biasanya diikuti dengan kata lampau [di kalimat ini diwakilkan oleh kata] "were"
be remembered = (kt.pasif) diingat
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2 part exercise = 2 bagian latihan
that might be fun = yang mungkin menyenangkan
although slightly morbid = walaupun agak tidak tidak wajar
slightly = agak/sedikit
morbid = (ks) tidak wajar/abnormal
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obituary = berita kematian
10 years in the future = 10 tahun kedepan
keep in mind = diingat-ingat
the peak of its game = puncak dari permainan ini
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have been perceived = telah/sudah dirasakan
perceive = (kkt) merasa
dare to dream big = berani untuk bermimipi besar
dare = (kb) tantangan, keberanian; (kkt) berani; (ks) yang berani
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perhaps = (kk) mungkin/barangkali/boleh jadi
the reason doesn't matter = alasan tidak masalah
the exercise remains the same = latihannya tetap sama
remain = (kki) masih/tetap; (kb) sisa/bekas; (ks) sisanya/yang tersisa
same = (ks) sama/serupa
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fulfil = (kkt) memenuhi/menyelesaikan
a need = sebuah kebutuhan
service = pelayanan
-------------------------------This exercise is one I did a few years back in another context and it was a powerful and motivating exercise.
in another context = dalam konteks lainnya
a powerful and motivating exercise = latihan yang hebat dan memotivasi
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-------------------------------Once you’ve compared your two obituaries - the next step is to start to put together some concrete steps that will enable you to move from the present reality to the dream for your future
the next step = langkah berikutnya
put together = meletakkan secara bersamaan
concrete = (ks) nyata; also has another meaning, that is "(kb) beton"
enable = (kkt) membuat bisa, memungkinkan, membolehkan
these sorts of dreams = mimpi-mimpi ini
don't just happen = tidak begitu saja terjadi
the results of = hasil dari
taking daily steps towards your goals = mengambil langkah harian terhadap tujuan anda
your goals = tujuan/cita-cita anda
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= the end =
Ps: all of those sentences were taken from: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ProbloggerHelpingBloggersEarnMoney/~3/c-wHNQgWHy8/. I suggest you to read it first to fully understand "in the context" of this lesson
Be Global Blog With English
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