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Learn English January 31th 2009 Session 2

these sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand "in the context"

Website tracking is one of the least discussed topics

the least discussed topics = topik yang paling sedikit dibicarakan

least = (ks) paling kurang/sedikit

Well, newbie bloggers often overlook the importance of content promotion, which I talked about quite thoroughly in the last post.

often overlook the importance of content promotion = sering melupakan pentingnya mempromosikan konten

overlook = (kkt) melupakan

talk about = membicarakan

quite thoroughly = cukup panjang lebar

thoroughly = (kk) sepenuhnya/menyeluruh

Oftentimes, it is more effective to optimize web pages and overall site before getting more traffic.

oftentimes = seringkali (kt.sambung)

overall site = situs secara keseluruhan

overall = (ks) seluruh

And I should assure you this should be the way to go in the future.

I should assure you = saya harus meyakinkan kamu

the way = cara

assure = (kkt) yakin/jamin

Those who are able to squeeze more value per visitor will have more competitive edge.

be able to squeeze more value = bisa lebih memeras nilai

will have more competitive edge = bisa lebih berkompetisi

competitive edge = di kancah/dunia kompetisi

They afford to pay higher cost per click in search engine, for example. And that strategy alone is capable to kick their competitions out of the first page of the AdWords listings.

they afford to pay higher cost = mereka mampu membayar harga lebih

[afford = (kkt) mampu]

to kick their competitions out = menendang keluar kompetisi mereka

and that strategy alone = dan strategi itu sendiri

kick out = menendang keluar

capable = (ks) mampu/cakap

Whatever it is, you don’t want them to randomly browse your blog.

whatever it is = apapun itu (kt.sambung)

If you are offering a product or service, most likely direct sales will convert much weaker than if you capture their information and follow up

capture their information = mendapatkan informasi dari mereka

follow up = menindak lanjuti

RSS provides another way for content consumers to get updated content from your blog by pulling data from your server as new post becomes available without giving away their name or email address.

new post becomes available = post baru menjadi tersedia

available = (ks) tersedia/dapat

give away = memberikan secara gratis

Email has been around much longer than RSS feeds and it is one of the most measurable online marketing and advertising channels.

one of the most measureable online marketing = salah satu pemasaran online yang paling bisa diukur

Discussions about social media metrics are heating up, but there’s no single answer to every situation out there.

heating up = memanas

Some of the traditional metrics are still useful for tracking social media activities, because eventually you are leading people back to your web site or blog.

eventually = (ks) pada akhirnya

Engagement in social media may be used as currency to the success of your campaign.

engagement = (kb) penggunaan

if they remember your brand more than ever after reading your story in one particular issue.

if they remember your brand - more than ever - after reading your story in one particular issue

jika mereka mengingat merk/nama anda - lebih daripada yang pernah ada - setelah membaca cerita ini di satu isu yang utama

more than ever = lebih dari pada sebelumnya / lebih daripada yang pernah ada

With so many things to do and so little time, it pays if you focus on the 20 percent that brings in 80 percent the results (The Pareto principle).

with so many things to do = dengan begitu banyak hal yang harus dilakukan

and so little time = dan dengan sangat sedikit waktu

Traffic, for many bloggers, is the only thing that counts. If everything else is the same, more traffic simply means more revenue and sales. That’s true but nowadays, knowing more metrics can be really helpful if you want to survive and thrive in the market.

the only thing that counts = hanya satu hal yang diperhitungkan

want to survive and thrive in the market = ingin bertahan hidup dan berkembang pesat di pasar

thrive = (kki) tumbuh subur/berkembang pesat

What keywords did people search to find your site / blog pages? This may as well serve as the foundation for your keyword research and expand your content.

may as well = juga bisa


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