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Learn English January 21th 2009

This sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand.

Feedburner, which was acquired by Google last year, is officially transferring its system to Feedburner.Google.Com.

which was acquired by google last year = yang mana telah diambil alih google tahun lalu
comment: "was acquired by" merupakan bentuk kata pasif, dapat dilihat dari kata "was" dan "by"

acquire = (kkt) mendapatakan / memperoleh / mengambil

I believe this is due to the enhanced features Google is adding and also to automate adding Adsense ads to your feeds.

is due = disebabkan

the enhanced features google = peningkatan fitur google

I believe - this is due to - the enhanced features google - is adding
comment: kalimat ini agak membingungkan untuk diartikan, tetapi dengan memisahkan perkata akan lebih mudah untuk dimengerti.

the enhanced features google is adding
peningkatan fitur google bertambah

the article summary:
Feedburner has move to Feedburner.Google.Com

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