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Learn English January 26th 2009 Session 1

these sentences below was taken from Please, read it first to fully understand

Do you get excited about thinking about doing something?

get excited = bersemangat / bergairah

excited = (ks) semangat / bergairah

excite = (kkt) semangat / membangkitkan gairah

comment: ingat ya, agar menjadi kata sifat, harus ditambahi "+ed"

oy, "exciting = excite + ing" juga merupakan kata sifat yang artinya "yang menggairahkan / yang mengasyikkan". "exciting" biasanaya diikuti kata benda "exciting story", "exciting film", etc...

The main difference between Envy and Jealousy is that with Envy you wish to take away what the person you are envious of has

the main difference = perbedaan utama

difference = (kb) perbedaan

Dalam kata sifat, namanya "different" >> "different question", "different jobs"

jealousy = (kb) kecemburuan,

kt. sifatnya = jealous

jealous+ly = jealously = (kk) dengan penuh hati-hati / penuh dengan kewaspadaan

Comment: "jealously", memiliki arti yang benar-benar beda daripada yang lainnya. Anda perlu hati-hati dan lebih teliti dalam penggunaannya

envy = (kb) cemburu / iri hati

Comment: antara "jealousy" dengan "envy" memiliki arti hampir sama yaitu "iri hati atau cemburu". Perbedaanya adalah "envy" lebih berkonotasi negatif dan merusak

to take away = merebut

the person you are envious of has = yang dipunyai (of has) oleh orang yang anda cemburui

I get so pissed off looking at forums or on IRC and hear people do NOTHING but constantly rip on other people and plot to take them down

pissed off = kecewa / muak

Being so fat when I was a kid really makes me invulnerable to this stuff.

being so fat = menjadi sangat gemuk

invulnerable = (kb) kebal
Did you just trip over a rock and fall into a profitable niche?

"trip over a rock", artinya?

comment: hmm..apa ya artinya?, terus terang saya sendiri belum tahu pasti, tapi kalau melihat dari kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya, kurang lebih artinya: "bisa melewati hambatan"

YOUR A MORON! Guess how I know?!?! Shut up

moron = (kb) bodoh/tolol

Anyway don’t be a showoff. Learn some humility.

showoff = (kb) pamer

humility = (kb) kerendahan hati

Yes I am a hypocrite.

hypocrite = (kb) orang munafik
-the end-

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