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Learn English January 25th 2009

These sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand

If you’re starting out in blogging for the first time it is easy to get ahead of yourself

start out = mulai

to get ahead of yourself = melangkah sendirian

to get ahead of = melangkah

There’s so much information out there, in fact sometimes it's way too much information

in fact = kenyataannya

What happens sometimes is that beginning bloggers start to feel overwhelmed and like they’ll never be able to do what’s necessary to have a successful blog.

ovelwhelm = kewalahan

a successful blog = blog yang sukses

successful merupakan kata sifat [kata sifat itu tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, harus dipasangkan dengan kata benda],

sedangkan "success" merupakan kata benda
example: success in blog

I went the traditional business route and got my MBA in 1996. The world has changed quickly since then

since then = sejak itu

comment: jangan lupa menggunakan kata lampau, karena kata "since then" berkaitan dengan cerita masa lalu

I’ve been blogging for just over 6 months, but started my only currently running blog at the beginning of December 2008

my only currently running blog = blog saya satu-satunya yang masih jalan

comment: kadang memberi kata sifat yang banyak terhadap kata benda sedikit membingungkan. Disini kata benda "blog" diberi kata sifat yang berlapis-lapis yaitu "only", "currently", dan "running"

I want to be known as an expert in my field of helping people figure out how to get what they want

be known as = dikenal sebagai

figure out = mencari cara

Are you trying to convey some point of view or opinion

to convey = (kkt) menyampaikan

People arriving at your site from unrelated words will make them annoyed

make them annoyed = membuat mereka terganggu

annoy = (kkt) mengganggu

No matter what you choose, it won’t do much until your blog has some kind of traction

has some kind of traction = memiliki semacam daya tarik

traction = (kb) daya tarik

Keep working on improving and enjoying the writing on your blog while you work to get it to take hold.

to take hold = terus menerus

comment: "take hold" bisa memiliki arti yang berbeda-beda, tergantung dari kalimat yang menemaninya

the end

Be Global Blog With English

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