These sentences was taken from You'd better to read it first to fully understand "in the context"
I think it's a really good read that many up and coming bloggers need to read.
artinya: saya kira ini bacaan yang benar-benar bagus yang wajib dibaca bagi banyak blogger yang sudah berkembang dan juga yang baru memulai
many up and coming bloggers = banyak blogger yang sudah berkembang dan baru memulai
What really hit me in the post is how most people change what they talk about as soon as they get some readership and then try to write what people want instead of what they want.
what really hit me = apa yang paling membuat saya terpukul
what they talk about = apa yang mereka bicarakan
talk about = bicara tentang
write what people want instead of what they want = menulis apa yang orang inginkan daripada apa yang mereka inginkan
instead of = dari pada / lebih memilih daripada
I get probably 10-20 solicitations a day to write about someone’s product or whatever…
solicitation = (kb) permintaan / permohonan
But more then anything I try not to clutter the blog with crap
clutter = (kkt) mengacaukan
crap = sampah/sesuatu yang tidak berguna
-the end-
Be Global Blog With English
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