these sentences was taken from
Over the years, monetizing my traffic has always been one of my biggest hurdles
hurdle = (kb) halangan/rintangan
When I was a small website with low traffic, potential advertisers didn’t bother dealing with me
didn't bother dealing with me = tidak bersusah payah negosiasi dengan saya
bother = (kki) bersusah payah
comment: "bother" bisa menjadi kt. benda (kb), kt. keterangan (kk) dan kt. kerja intrinsik (kki) yang artinya: "mengganggu atau menyusahkan"
In addition, I did not have the resources to hire salespeople to help sell ads on my site
in addition = (kt. sambung) tambahan lagi
hire = (kkt) menyewa/menggaji
Comment: "hire" bisa menjadi: kata benda (kb) : "sewa"
hiring = (kb) persewaan
hired = (ks) yang diupahi
How was I supposed to expand my website to become a big-time player without funding to fuel my growth?
I supposed to expand my website = saya mengandaikan untuk mengembangkan website saya
suppose = (kk/kkt) mengandaikan
supposing = (kt. sambung) seandainya/sekiranya
I get highly targeted ads with high eCPMs, and I don’t have to spend my time or money selling off my ad inventory myself.
I don't have to spend my time = saya tidak harus menghabiskan waktu saya
spend : (kk) menghabiskan
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