These sentences was taken from Please, read it first to fully understand then
Well, I have been studying this for awhile and concluded that getting your blog posts stumbled on StumbleUpon will on average, decrease your Adsense revenue by 20-30%
for awhile = untuk beberapa saat
concluded that = (kki) menarik kesimpulan
conclude = (kki/kkt) menyimpulkan
decrease = (kkt) mengurangi
Don’t get me wrong, StumbleUpon is a great source of free traffic but it’s not good for your Adsense.
Don't get me wrong = jangan salahkan saya
When you inflate your web traffic levels with lots of impressions and no clicks, your CTR goes down dramatically
inflate = (kkt) membumbungkan/meningkatkan
inflated = (ks) yang melambung
dramatically = perubahan yang besar
All those other blog posts you bring in extra couple hundred visits using StumbleUpon are not worth it as they are inflating your Adsense CTR down and decreasing your revenue.
all those other blog posts = semua postingan blog lainnya
Comment: "all those" bermakna mewakili dari "other blog posts" yang bermakna jamak
bring in = membawa masuk
Comment: "bring" + "in" merupakan satu paket kata, yang berarti: "membawa masuk"
not worth it = tidak berharga / kurang berharga
Recently, I took some break from stumbling and my CTR just shot up back to September 2008, when I was making more money with less web traffic.
recently = (kk) baru-baru ini / akhir-akhir ini
recent = (ks) baru saja
Example: I had a recent letter from him = saya baru saja menerima surat dari dia
some break = istirahat / berhenti beberapa saat
Other Example: let't take some break, before continuing the trip
shot up back = kembali naik
StumbleUpon is great otherwise for non-Adsense sites such as photography or you simply enjoy stumbling.
great otherwise for... = otherwise great for...= sebaliknya, hebat untuk
otherwise = (ks) sebaliknya
otherwise = (kk) lain/kebalikan
example: to do otherwise = melakukan yang lain/kebalikan
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