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In Existence

MySpace is the biggest friend networking site in existence today.

Millions of members have set up profiles to connect with friends, family, interest groups and so on.

I won't get into the history of MySpace right now, but I will share some information with you that will change your life, and perhaps your wallet size.

myspace - is - the biggest friend networking site (situs jaringan pertemanan terbesar)- in - existence - today

millions of members - have set up - profiles - to connect with - friends, family, interest groups - and so on

I won't - get into - the history of - myspace - right now - but I will share - some information - with you - that will change - your life - and - perhaps your wallet size

in existence = yang ada (kata benda)
interest groups = group yang memiliki minat/kepentingan yang sama
so on = dan lainnya
perhaps = mungkin

sample of article taken from
Be Global Blog With English

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