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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 06 Februari 2009 Sesi 3 (Favorite)

A beautiful woman sits alone at a bar.

sits alone = duduk sendirian

She’s had a long day.
>> you also can say >> she has had a long day ;; [she's = she has]

Clients were difficult, work piled up, and she scrambled frantically to get it all done.

work piled up = pekerjaan menumpuk

piled up = menumpuk

scramble = (kki) berjuang

frantically = (kk) dengan penuh ketakutan
meanwhile, word "frantic" has meaning of: (ks) dengan rasa takut/bingung

Now she’s tired and trying to unwind.

trying to unwind = mencoba untuk beristirahat

unwind = (kki) beristirahat;
also has another meaning: (kkt) melepaskan/membuka

On either side of the woman sits a man

on either side = di salah satu sisi

either = (ks) salah satu

The other man wears a baseball cap, a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

sneaker = (kb) sepatu karet

He tells her about his credentials and diplomas.

credentials = (kb) surat kepercayaan/mandat

Then he hands the woman a sleek business card with bold

a sleek business card = sebuah kartu bisnis yang mengkilap/bagus

sleek = (ks) mengkilap/halus/manis

He asks for her card in exchange ...

in exchange = bertukar

he’ll put her on his list of preferred customers...

preferred customers = pelanggan yang lebih disukai

preferred = (ks) lebih suka

The woman turns to the other man in the baseball cap

cap = (kb) topi

The man strikes up conversation and asks the woman about her day.

strikes up = memulai/membuka

...nodding and telling her he understands how she feels.

nodding = nod + ing = mengangguk

nod = angguk tanda setuju

The conversation revolves around the woman and the problems she faced.

revolve = (kkt/kki) berputar

-the end-

Ps: were taken from

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