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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 23 Februari 2009

Not an enormous amount, but for a site that hasn’t been touched in months and survived all the mentioned havoc, it’s not bad.

enormous = (ks) sangat besar/hebat

an enormous amount = jumlah yang banyak

havoc = (kb) kerusakan; malapetaka

all the mentioned havoc = semua kerusakan yang sudah disebutkan/dikatakan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

The big benefit of article marketing is that it allows you to generate both quick traffic and traffic that lasts when done properly.

both = (ks) keduanya

quick traffic = [mendapatkan] pengunjung dengan cepat

traffic that lasts = [mendapatkan] pengunjung yang bisa bertahan

done properly = dikerjakan secara tepat

properly = (kk) secara tepat; dengan benar; semestinya; sebaik-baiknya
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Furthermore it allows you to generate traffic in 3 separate ways that I’ll illustrate in this post.

furthermore = (kk) lebih jauh lagi; selanjutnya

separate = (ks) terpisah

illustrate = (kkt) menjelaskan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

The point to note though is that this is not the MAIN source of traffic that article submissions can bring…

though = (kk) lebih dulu

though = (kt. sambung) walaupun; meskipun

the point to note though = point yang perlu dicatat lebih dulu

the one that a lot of new blog and online marketers got stuck focusing solely on and that’s “bum marketing”

got stuck = terhenti/terhalang

solely = (kk) semata-mata; melulu
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

the content you place on them can outrank content optimized for similar terms

outrank = (kkt) lebih tinggi pangkatnya daripada

In the next couple of months we started to see our search traffic creep up to the same level of traffic the article directories were bringing in.

creep up = merangkak naik
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= the end =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from:
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 23 Februari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 21 Februari 2009

Seven Expert Tips For Outstanding Web Writing

outstanding = (ks) terkemuka, terkenal

One of the most irritating mistakes on a blog – and one of the easiest to fix – is having lines of text that are too cramped up.

irritate = (kkt) mengganggu

irritating = (ks) [yang] mengganggu

one of the most irritating mistakes on a blog = salah satu kesalahan yang paling mengganggu di blog

cramp up = kaku
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

A lot of lists can also make the text look “choppy” on the page, as the reader’s eyes will skip from one to the next.

a lot of list = banyak daftar

can also = juga dapat

choppy = (ks) berombak

skip = (kb) lompatan; loncatan

skip = (kkt/kki) melompati; melewati
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

If you put a title tag in your link, readers can get extra information about the link when they hover over it.

hover = (kki) melayang

hover over = melayang diatas

Your writing will look more polished and professional if you’re consistent

polished = (ks) halus

polish = (kb) semir; kilap; halus

This doesn’t need to be a huge task – you can just add to it as you go along.

a huge task = tugas yang banyak

as you go along = sepanjang perjalanan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= Finished =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from:
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 21 Februari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 20 Februari 2009 (Favorite)

But getting into this game can be difficult - particularly in the early days while you’re still growing traffic.

can be difficult = bisa menjadi sulit

particularly = (kk) terutama

in the early days = di awal-awal hari

Below are 5 ways that I secured direct ad deals with sponsors in the early days of my first blogs

secure = (kkt) memperoleh/mendapatkan

another meaning of "secure":
:(ks) terjamin/terkunci/aman/kokoh
:(kkt) menjamin/mengunci/melindungi/menutupi
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

To say Jack Welch is cocky is a gross understatement.

cocky = (ks) sombong

gross = (kb) kasar

another meaning of "gross":
:(kb) 12 lusing/144 buah
:(kb) besar
:(kb) kasar
:(kkt) mendapatk keuntungan kotor

grossly: (kk) terlalu/nyata sekali

understatement: (kb) keterangan [pernyataan] yang mengecilkan[meremehkan]
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

And that was in fact just what the brazen young engineer did

brazen = (ks/kkt) kurang ajar/tidak tahu malu

the brazen young engineer = insinyur muda yang tidak tahu malu

During the first five years of his tenure,..

during = (kb) selama

during the five years = selama lima tahun

tenure = masa jabatan/kedudukan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Welch was obsessed with dismantling nine-layers of bureaucracy, cutting inventories, shutting down factories, reducing payrolls and cutting lackluster product lines.

dismantle = (kkt) membongkar

layer = (kb) lapisan

bureaucracy = (kb) birokrasi

shut down = menutup

lackluster = (ks) tidak semangat/semarak
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

He had a ferocious desire for efficiency. And profit.

ferocious = (ks) galak/ganas/garang/buas

And earnings grew tenfold.

tenfold = 10 kali lipat

And to remain focused, lean, fast and competitive.

remain focused = tetap fokus

lean = ramping

fast = cepat

competitive = bersaing
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Ideas, projects or business that couldn’t meet this criteria were thrown on the trash heap.

trash = (kb) sampah

heap = (kb) tumpukan/timbunan

heap = (kkt) menumpuk/menimbun

the trash heap = tumpukan sampah

You have to think about this deeply before you tackle a project like a blog

deeply = (kk) secara dalam

tackle = (kkt) mengerjakan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Watch blog launches by successful bloggers and you’ll get the sense that not only did they take Welch’s principle into consideration–but they in fact live or die by it.

watch = (kkt/kki) melihat

successful bloggers = peblogger yang sukses

get the sense = mendapatkan rasa/nuansa

into consideration = menjadi pertimbangan

in fact = nyatanya/secara fakta
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

These bloggers launched blogs they were fairly confident they could dominate as #1 or #2.

fairly = (kk) cukup/hampir/agak

confident = (ks) percaya diri/yakin/pasti

fairly confident = cukup percaya diri

could dominate = bisa menguasai

Maki had a monstrous mountain of competition already on the playing field.

monstrous = (ks) besar sekali/dahsyat
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

And new marketing and copywriting blogs constantly emerging

constantly = (kk) secara teratur/dengan terus menerus

emerge = (kki) muncul/timbul

constantly emerging = secara terus-menerus bermunculan

But he’s defined himself pretty narrowly

he's defined himself = dia mendefinisikan dirinya sendiri

pretty narrowly = cukup sempit
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= the end =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from: I suggest you to read it first before starting out
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 20 Februari 2009 (Favorite)

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 19 Februari 2009

Hype has many guises or nuances.

guise = (kb) samaran/berkedok

nuance = (kb) nuansa

Well, if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so too is hype.

in the eye of the beholder = di mata [orang] yang melihat

behold = (kkt) melihat
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

And so, for ease of understanding and with a bow to those who either adore or loathe hype–I will divide hype into two broad categories

for ease of understanding = untuk memudahkan dalam memahami

adore = (kkt) memuja

loathe = (kk) benci

loathing = (kb) kebencian/kejijikan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

We’ve all been exposed to copy that exclaims in absolutely superlative fashion the benefits of an advertised product.

expose = (kkt) membuka/menyingkap

exclaim = (kkt/kki) berseru/menyerukan

superlative = (ks) unggul/terbaik
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

we’re constantly bombarded by hypey modifiers screaming: best, biggest, fastest, easiest, greatest, amazing, unique, revolutionary… and so forth.

constantly = (kk) dengan terus menerus/tak henti-hentinya

bombarded >> bombard = diserbu/diserang

so forth = dan seterusnya
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Even if the remainder of the ad were written impeccably–and by impeccably, I mean, you immediately provide undeniable, authoritative proof, confirming that wrinkles will indeed disappear overnight–that claim will still be the rusty nail that blows out the ad’s tires.

impeccably = tanpa cela

reminder = pengingat

undeniable = yang tidak tertolakkan/yang tidak dapat ditolak

authoritative = (ks) berwenang

wrinkle = (kb) kerutan; (kkt) mengerutkan; (kki) menjadi kusut

wrinkled = (ks) yang berkerut; yang kusut

indeed = (kk) sungguh-sungguh

disappear = (kki) hilang/menghilang

overnight = dalam satu malam

the rusty nail = paku yang berkarat

rusty = (ks) berkarat

nail = paku

blow out = meledakkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Well, proof and credibility are of course essential to any claim in any ad–without it you clearly have written hype of the bad kind.

proof = bukti

credibility = kepercayaan

essential = penting

claim = klaim

clearly = secara jelas

the bad kind = sesuatu yang jelek
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

But even with proof–if the proof is not “placed” wisely–it’ll be ignored… along with the ad itself.

even with proof = bahkan dengan bukti

wisely = (kk) dengan tepat/bijaksana

it'll be ignored >> it will be ignored = akan diabaikan

along with = sejalan dengan/selaras dengan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Consumers learn quickly–they have to. By one account, the average American is deluged with over 5,000 advertisements in one form or another every single day.

consumers learn quickly = konsumen belajar dengan cepat

quickly = dengan cepat

deluge = (kb) banjir; (kkt) membanjiri

the average American is deluged with over 5,000 advertisements

the average American = rata-rata warga Amerika

is deluged with = dibanjiri dengan

over 5,000 advertisements = lebih dari 5000 iklan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Hence, the unavoidable consequence: skepticism and disbelief abounds in the marketplace.

hence = (kk) sebab itu; karena itu; karenanya

unavoidable = tidak terhindarkan

unavoidable consequence = konsekuensi yang tidak terhindarkan

disbelief = ketidakpercayaan

abound = (kki) belimpah/penuh
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

So… while in the past, making a claim and immediately following it up with proof may have been a wise, prudent and necessary tack to take–times have now changed.

in the past = dimasa lalu

prudent = (ks) bijaksana; hati-hati

prudently = (kk) dengan bijaksana; hati-hati

times have now changed = waktu sekarang sudah berubah
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Assemble and present your credentialing elements, your evidence–your entire body of incontrovertible proof–in clear and linear fashion.

assemble = (kkt) memasang

present = (kb) hadiah

credential = (kb) surat kepercayaan/mandat

credence = (kb) kepercayaan

evidence = (kb) bukti/fakta/keterangan/petunjuk

incontrovertible = (ks) yang tidak dapat dibantah
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Create strong and overwhelming direction and momentum.

strong = (kb/ks) kuat

overwhelming = (ks) besar sekali/berlimpahan

direction = (kb) petunjuk

Turn hype into an undisputed conclusion

dispute = (kb) perselisihan/percekcokan; (kkt) membantah/memperselisihkan/memperdebatkan

undisputed conclusion = kesimpulan yang tidak terbantahkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

If executed skillfully, your hype will also have the added benefit of becoming sustainable and actionable.

skillfully = secara terampil

sustainable = yang bisa terus menerus

actionable = yang bisa dikerjakan/dilaksanakan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= end, see you next session... =

ps: all of those sentences were taken from: I suggest you to read it first to fully understand "in the context" of this lesson
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 19 Februari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 18 Februari 2009 Sesi 2

If your blog were to die today - how would it be remembered?

if your blog were to die today = jika blog anda mati hari ini

"if" merupakan bentuk kata pengandaian, dan biasanya diikuti dengan kata lampau [di kalimat ini diwakilkan oleh kata] "were"

be remembered = (kt.pasif) diingat
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Here’s a little 2 part exercise that might be fun (although slightly morbid) - and hopefully insightful.

2 part exercise = 2 bagian latihan

that might be fun = yang mungkin menyenangkan

although slightly morbid = walaupun agak tidak tidak wajar

slightly = agak/sedikit

morbid = (ks) tidak wajar/abnormal
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Write an obituary for your blog 10 years in the future

obituary = berita kematian

10 years in the future = 10 tahun kedepan

Keep in mind that your blog has been as successful as it can be and you’re ending it at the peak of its game.

keep in mind = diingat-ingat

the peak of its game = puncak dari permainan ini
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

How do you hope it will have been perceived?

have been perceived = telah/sudah dirasakan

perceive = (kkt) merasa

Take 10 minutes to write this obituary and dare to dream big.

dare to dream big = berani untuk bermimipi besar

dare = (kb) tantangan, keberanian; (kkt) berani; (ks) yang berani
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Perhaps it was hacked, perhaps you just decided to delete it or perhaps your server died and you didn’t have a backup - the reason doesn’t matter - the exercise remains the same.

perhaps = (kk) mungkin/barangkali/boleh jadi

the reason doesn't matter = alasan tidak masalah

the exercise remains the same = latihannya tetap sama

remain = (kki) masih/tetap; (kb) sisa/bekas; (ks) sisanya/yang tersisa

same = (ks) sama/serupa
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

How has it fulfilled a need or service in people’s lives.

fulfil = (kkt) memenuhi/menyelesaikan

a need = sebuah kebutuhan

service = pelayanan

This exercise is one I did a few years back in another context and it was a powerful and motivating exercise.

a few years back = beberapa tahun yang lalu

in another context = dalam konteks lainnya

a powerful and motivating exercise = latihan yang hebat dan memotivasi
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Once you’ve compared your two obituaries - the next step is to start to put together some concrete steps that will enable you to move from the present reality to the dream for your future

once = begitu/sekali

the next step = langkah berikutnya

put together = meletakkan secara bersamaan

concrete = (ks) nyata; also has another meaning, that is "(kb) beton"

enable = (kkt) membuat bisa, memungkinkan, membolehkan

These sorts of dreams don’t just happen - rather they are the result of taking daily steps towards your goals.

these sorts of dreams = mimpi-mimpi ini

don't just happen = tidak begitu saja terjadi

the results of = hasil dari

taking daily steps towards your goals = mengambil langkah harian terhadap tujuan anda

your goals = tujuan/cita-cita anda
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= the end =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from: I suggest you to read it first to fully understand "in the context" of this lesson
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 18 Februari 2009 Sesi 2

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 18 Februari 2009

Well, today I will teach you that important lesson, how to make money, not just slave away your life in a cubicle at a rich corporation.

slave away your life = memperbudak hidup anda

slave = (kb) budak; (kki) bekerja keras

cubicle = (kb) kamar/ruangan kecil

a rich corporation = perusahaan kaya

Now, I was dumbfounded but I did follow his advice and “barely” graduated in 5 years, almost failing one class, but ended up with an A- simply because my TA hooked me up.

I was dumbfounded = saya tercengang

dumbfounded = (ks) tercengang/ternganga

dumbfound = (kb) mengherankan/menakjubkan

and "barely" graduated in 5 years = dan "hampir" lulus dalam waktu 5 tahun

almost failing one class = hampir gagal dalam satu kelas

After that, I somehow knew school was just an ideal platform for non-ideal people.

after that = setelah itu

somehow = (kk) bagaimanapun juga/entah bagaimana

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I did learn whole bunch of calculus, physics, and engineering, but THAT doesn’t make you money.

don't get me wrong = jangan salahkan saya

bunch = (kb) ikat/gerombolan/kumpulan; (kkt) menyatukan

The worst part was that after college, everyone told me to get a JOB!

the worst part = bagian terburuk

to get a job = mendapatkan/mencari pekerjaan

I got a JOB and that was the worst part of my life, slaving like everyone else in the rat race.

the worst part of my life = bagian terburuk dalam hidup saya

like everyone else = seperti yang lainnya

the rat race = balapan tikus

Here’s one advice that will help you get out of the rat race and traditional stuff they teach you in school

get out = keluar

Even if you do have a job, you still have to keep trying every minute, hour, day, and that’s all I can tell you.

even = bahkan

have to = harus

= the end =

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from:
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 18 Februari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 17 Februari 2009

Frank Kern is an internet marketer, and it seems like everyone’s talking about him these days.

seems like = nampaknya/rupa-rupanya/sepertinya

be talking about = talk about = membicarakan tentang

if you want tell a story about someone or something, just use this word "talk about"
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

They’re all hopping on the crazy bandwagon and telling you how well Frank’s techniques work to create desire, build trust and make money.

how well = seberapa baik; betapa baik

create desire = menciptakan hasrat/keinginan

desire = (kb/kkt) keinginan/hasrat

build trust = membangun kepercayaan

trust = (kb/kkt) kepercayaan/mempercayai

trusted = (ks) yang dipercaya

make money = membuat uang/menghasilkan uang
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Frank Kern uses some psychological tactics that make him a pretty formidable contender on the scene.

psychological tactics = taktik psikologi

formidable = (ks) hebat

contender = (kb) pesaing/lawan

formidable contender = lawan yang hebat
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
His videos are worth paying attention to.

be paying attention = pay attention = memberi perhatian

Frank is nothing special to look at. You wouldn’t be able to pick him out of a crowd of a thousand people.

nothing special to look at = tidak ada yang spesial untuk dilihat

pick out = mengambil/memilih

crowd = (kb) kerumunan/ramai banyak orang

another meaning:
crowd = (kkt) berdesak-desakan
crowded = (ks) yang ramai

a thousand people = ribuan orang
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
He doesn’t have a sleek website, and he doesn’t look rich, despite reported sales of more than $23 million in 24 hours.

a sleek website = website yang rapi

sleek = (kb) rapi; licin; manis; halus

despite = (kb) meskipun/walaupun

in 24 hours = dalam 24 jam
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
They absolutely adore him because he’s just like them - a regular person, no one special.

adore = (kkt) memuji/mencintai/suka

a regular person = orang biasa

no one special = tidak ada yang special

He obviously does, and he exudes the right level of confidence every single minute.

obviously = (kk) dengan jelas

other meaning:
obvious = (ks) jelas; nyata

exude = (kkt) memancarkan

every single minute = setiap menitnya
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
He’s successful, he’s smart, and he teaches people ways to get what they want by influencing consumers.

by influencing consumers = melalui mempengaruhi konsumen

Everything that he does is geared to making sure that people can relate to him easily.

be geared to = diarahkan/ditujukan untuk

relate = (kkt/kki) menghubungkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

= end, that's all folks =

ps: all of those sentences were taken from I suggest you to read it first to fully understand "in the context" of this lesson.
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 17 Februari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 16 Februari 2009

Maybe people are stressed about the media doom-and-gloom news lately.

be stressed about = dibuat frustasi oleh

doom = (kb) malapetaka

gloom = (kb) kesuraman/kegelapan

The economy isn’t doing too well, and that can cause some concerns.

isn't doing too well = tidak berjalan secara baik

too well = sangat bagus

some concerns = beberapa perhatian
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Maybe too many people are trying too hard to cram too much in a day that only has 24 hours.

too many people = terlalu banyak orang

cram = (kkt) menjejalkan/memasukkan dengan paksa

in a day = dalam satu hari

Whatever the reason, it isn’t fun to deal with.

whatever the reason = apapun alasannya

Many freelancers are upstanding people.

upstanding = (ks) tulus/baik
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Sometimes they still go the extra mile for that client who just wrecked their day with a thoughtless remark.

wreck = merusak

a thoughtless remark = ucapan yang tanpa dipikir

They get insulted, shouted at and abused.

insult = (kb) penghinaan, cercaan
= (kkt) menghina

insulting = (ks) yang menghina

shout = (kb/kkt) teriakan/meneriakkan

abuse = (kb/kkt) penyalahgunaan/menyalahgunakan

There are people in the world who believe that freelancers are there at their beck and call, lowly workers with no feelings.

lowly = (ks) rendah/yang rendah
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

But that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel hurt, get upset or grumble for a while, and it doesn’t take much to derail a person’s day.

hurt = (kb/kki) sakit/menyakiti

upset = sedih

grumble = (kb/kki) keluhan/mengeluh

One rude comment, one hurtful remark, or one self-centered moment, and a freelancer can be left thinking, “I didn’t deserve that.”

rude comment = komentar yang kasar

hurtful remark = ucapan yang menyakitkan

deserve = pantas
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

- end -

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 16 Februari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris 15 Februari 2009

Blog advertising is an excellent way to reach a wide audience without breaking the bank.

an excellent way = cara yang hebat

a wide audience = pengunjung dari semua kalangan

It can also make money for your own blog.

can also = juga dapat

your own blog = blog milik anda

There are a few reasons why I think this is a bad idea.

a few reasons = beberapa alasan

a bad idea = ide buruk/jelek

It devalues the ads

devalue = menurunkan nilai

It makes you look desperate

desperate = (ks) putus asa

this looks like the blogger is begging for money

be begging for money = mengemis untuk uang

beg = (kkt) mengemis/meminta

...could you put something more valuable in that spot?

could you = bisakah anda/dapatkah anda

something more valuable = sesuatu yang lebih bernilai

This is less likely to happen if you limit yourself with empty ad spots.

less likely = kecil kemungkinan

empty ad spots = titik iklan yang kosong

If you use the same “empty ad” image for every ad spot then this doesn’t give the impression of flexibility

the impression of flexibility = kesan fleksibel/bebas/tidak mengikat

- end -

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris 15 Februari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 14 Februari 2009

I agree with the importance of blogging, but what if you’re an artist and would like to combine a portfolio with a blog, some insight would be helpful! I welcome any critique!

the importance of blogging = pentingnya ngeblog

combine = (kkt) menyatukan/menggabungkan

some insight = beberapa wawasan/pengetahuan

insight = (kb) wawasan/pengetahuan

would be helpul = akan membantu

critique = (kb) kritik/kupasan/tinjauan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

I am not a professional artist nor photographer by any means but I have seen a lot of techniques other artist-type bloggers have been using.

nor = not or = juga tidak/ataupun bukan

by any mean = dalam artian apapun

a lot of techniques = banyak teknik

I do see a high number of successful bloggers who promote through high-resolution photos that are copyrighted.

a high number of successful bloggers = banyak peblogger yang sukses

high number = jumlah banyak

through = melalui

high-resolution photos = photo dengan resoluasi tinggi
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

But you can make money indirectly through other graphic designers and alike who want to use your photos in their website/company brochure/etc…etc…

indirectly = secara tidak langsung

other graphic designers = tukang desain gambar lainnya

alike = yang mirip

brochure = brosur

You can easily bring couple thousand visitors to your photos daily.

couple thousand visitors = beberapa ribu pengunjung

Now for Art, I guess you can do a similar thing like photos.

a similiar thing = sesuatu yang mirip
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

But if you are seriously trying to rack up cash, I have an idea, just make an e-store where people can order your art.

rack up cash = menaikkan pendapatan

rack up = menaikkan/meningkatkan

Then link it seamlessly with your blog/portfolio site.

seamlessly = dengan rapi/rapi

The most important part I think is that you need to start with a good monetization strategy.

the most important part = bagian yang paling penting

a good monetization strategy = strategi monetise yang bagus
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

- the end -

Ps: all of those sentences were taken from
Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 14 Februari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 13 Februari 2009

I currently run a business = Saya sekarang ini menjalankan bisnis

currently = saat ini

My story started couple years back at my former job at Comfile Technology Inc,

couple years back = beberapa tahun yang lalu

my former job = pekerjaan saya yang dulu

former = (ks) yang terlebih dahulu; (ks) bekas

formerly = (kk) tadinya/dahulu

During my work at Comfile, I started a blog to promote those computer chips.

during my work at Comfile = selama pekerjaan saya di Comfile

during = (kb) selama/pada waktu

Due to popularity of my DIY articles, my blog got digged and received over 100,000 visits in few days.

due to = karena/disebabkan oleh

in few days = dalam bebearapa hari

I then proceeded to invest my own money into a new DIY blog called

my own money = duit saya sendiri

own = (ks) kepunyaan sendiri

Eventually, I quit my job, kept blogging and made more blogs for other companies like

eventually = (kb) akhirnya

eventual = (ks) pada akhirnya

quit = (kkt) berhenti

For other companies = untuk perusahaan lainnya

My profit is still just good enough to pay rent, taxes, food, and whatnot, but I am making more money than I ever did with any job.

good enough = cukup bagus

than I ever did = daripada yang pernah saya kerjakan

Plus, the growth of blogs are still great even though the economy is bad

the growth of blogs = pertumbuhan blog

even though = bahkan walaupun

I believe this is due to the fact that internet possesses a world-wide audience

due to the fact = disebabkan oleh fakta/berdasarkan fakta

possess = (kkt) memiliki

a world wide audience = pendengar/penonton dari seluruh dunia

What I value now most, after owning my own business, is the freedom of time

what I value now most = apa yang saya nilai lebih sekarang ini

the freedom of time = kebebasan waktu

I do believe that you need to be at the right place, at the right time to succeed and that could be attributed to karma, zen, whatever you want to call it.

at the right place = di tempat yang benar

at the right time = di waktu yang benar

succeed = berhasil

What I realize during my start-up years is that you need to make your own niche.

realize = (kkt) sadari

start-up years = permulaan tahun

niche = ceruk/khusus

Like the blue ocean, you need to be alone in the world.

to be alone = menjadi sendiri

I also find that if you love what you do, you have higher chance of success.

higher chance of success = kesempatan untuk sukses lebih tinggi

chance = (kb) kesempatan

They worried that I’d be homeless in couple months.

homeless = (kb) tuna wisma/gelandangan

in couple months = dalam beberapa bulan

= done =

Ps: All of those sentences were taken from
Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 13 Februari 2009

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