Not an enormous amount, but for a site that hasn’t been touched in months and survived all the mentioned havoc, it’s not bad.
enormous = (ks) sangat besar/hebat
an enormous amount = jumlah yang banyak
havoc = (kb) kerusakan; malapetaka
all the mentioned havoc = semua kerusakan yang sudah disebutkan/dikatakan
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The big benefit of article marketing is that it allows you to generate both quick traffic and traffic that lasts when done properly.
both = (ks) keduanya
quick traffic = [mendapatkan] pengunjung dengan cepat
traffic that lasts = [mendapatkan] pengunjung yang bisa bertahan
done properly = dikerjakan secara tepat
properly = (kk) secara tepat; dengan benar; semestinya; sebaik-baiknya
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Furthermore it allows you to generate traffic in 3 separate ways that I’ll illustrate in this post.
furthermore = (kk) lebih jauh lagi; selanjutnya
separate = (ks) terpisah
illustrate = (kkt) menjelaskan
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The point to note though is that this is not the MAIN source of traffic that article submissions can bring…
though = (kk) lebih dulu
though = (kt. sambung) walaupun; meskipun
the point to note though = point yang perlu dicatat lebih dulu
the one that a lot of new blog and online marketers got stuck focusing solely on and that’s “bum marketing”
solely = (kk) semata-mata; melulu
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the content you place on them can outrank content optimized for similar terms
outrank = (kkt) lebih tinggi pangkatnya daripada
In the next couple of months we started to see our search traffic creep up to the same level of traffic the article directories were bringing in.
creep up = merangkak naik
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= the end =
Ps: all of those sentences were taken from:
Be Global Blog With English
Be Global Blog With English