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Learn English January 26th 2009 Session 2

these sentences was taken from Please, read it first to fully understand "in the context"

In fact at the time, I thought most blogs were self-indulgent, boring, and poorly written

self indulgent = membaik-baikkan diri

indulgent = (ks) sangat baik / terlalu baik

example: "indulgent mother" = "ibu yang terlalu baik"

In short, blogging just seemed like a waste of time and effort

seemed like a waste of time and effort = kelihatan sepertin menghabiskan waktu dan usaha

seem = (kki) nampaknya / rupa-rupanya

seemingly = (kk) [arti sama]

And I guess I had a snobbish writer attitude too

here, if we translate the sentence in bahasa, will to be: " dan saya kira, saya juga memiliki sifat penulis yang sombong"

snobbish = (ks) tinggi hati / suka sombong

example: Don't be snobbish person, because no one likes

the idea that real writers didn’t need to blog because their writing was good enough to get published through more legitimate, mainstream ways

let's break apart these sentences into more understandable sentence [sorry if my english is not correct, I still learn, you know it?]

the idea - that real writers didn't need to blog - because - their writing was good enough to get published - through more legitimate, mainstream ways.

ide - yang mengatakan bahwa penulis tidak butuh blog - [alasannya] karena - tulisannya sudah cukup bagus untuk diterbitkan melalui media yang lebih dipercaya, jalan yang utama

legitimate = (ks) sah / logis [masuk akal]

example: "legitimate conclusion" = "kesimpulan yang logis"

In my mind, push-button publishing was for the wannabes, not the real McCoys.

for the wannabes = untuk orang yang ingin coba coba

word "wannabe" come from the words "want + to + be"

example: I wannabe the stars

you can say: I want to be the stars

Blogs aren’t just popular among individuals anymore either

among = diantara [diantara lebih dari dua benda/objek]

So this past year, I finally succumbed to this thing called blogging

finally succumbed to this thing = akhirnya mengalah terhadap hal ini

succumb = (kki) mengalah / mematikan

That said, I’m not getting rich or pulling in six figures (yet anyway). But I’ve learned a few great things along the way.

I've learned a few great things along the way = saya sudah belajar banyak hal sepanjang proses itu [along the way]

along the way = sepanjang proses/perjalanan itu

I know this sounds odd coming from someone who has written for most of her life

sounds odd = kedengaran janggal/aneh

odd = (ks) aneh / janggal

oddly = (kk) anehnya

the one that got lost in between all the same assignments, projects, and stories that have thankfully paid the bills and kept the lights on month after month

that have thankfully paid the bill = yang telah "bersyukur banget" membayar saya

thankfully = sangat berterima kasih / bersyukur

See, when you blog, you’re writing about a particular topic, armed with all the facts that you’d be including in a typical news story

writing about particular topic = menulis tentang topik yang khusus

particular = (ks) khusus/teliti

particularly = (kk) terutama sekali

And I have to say there’s nothing more gratifying to me than getting a “Good job”

more gratifying = (ks) lebih memuaskan / membahagiakan

gratify = (kkt) memberi kepuasan / kebahagiaan

gratified = (ks) puas/bahagia/senang

I received a nice compliment from one of my readers

compliment = (kb) pujian/salam

comment: "compliment" bisa juga menjadi kata keterangan (kk) yang berarti "memberi pujian / mengucapkan selamat"

and it literally made my day.

if we translate in bahasa: "dan hal ini sungguh-sungguh [literally] membuat hariku bermakna [made my day]

literally = (kk) benar-benar/sungguh-sungguh

made my day = (kt.ungkapan) membuat hariku bermakna

To be honest, some days I don’t feel very inspired at all when I first start writing a post

to be honest = (kt.ungkapan) sejujurnya

And regardless of how sluggish I feel some mornings, inspiration always seems to meet me somewhere in the middle as my writing picks up momentum

regardless of = selain dari/karena, [atau bisa juga diartikan "terlepas dari"]

sluggish = (ks) malas, [bisa juga diartikan "lembam", "seret"]


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