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Learn English January 31th 2009 Session 2

these sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand "in the context"

Website tracking is one of the least discussed topics

the least discussed topics = topik yang paling sedikit dibicarakan

least = (ks) paling kurang/sedikit

Well, newbie bloggers often overlook the importance of content promotion, which I talked about quite thoroughly in the last post.

often overlook the importance of content promotion = sering melupakan pentingnya mempromosikan konten

overlook = (kkt) melupakan

talk about = membicarakan

quite thoroughly = cukup panjang lebar

thoroughly = (kk) sepenuhnya/menyeluruh

Oftentimes, it is more effective to optimize web pages and overall site before getting more traffic.

oftentimes = seringkali (kt.sambung)

overall site = situs secara keseluruhan

overall = (ks) seluruh

And I should assure you this should be the way to go in the future.

I should assure you = saya harus meyakinkan kamu

the way = cara

assure = (kkt) yakin/jamin

Those who are able to squeeze more value per visitor will have more competitive edge.

be able to squeeze more value = bisa lebih memeras nilai

will have more competitive edge = bisa lebih berkompetisi

competitive edge = di kancah/dunia kompetisi

They afford to pay higher cost per click in search engine, for example. And that strategy alone is capable to kick their competitions out of the first page of the AdWords listings.

they afford to pay higher cost = mereka mampu membayar harga lebih

[afford = (kkt) mampu]

to kick their competitions out = menendang keluar kompetisi mereka

and that strategy alone = dan strategi itu sendiri

kick out = menendang keluar

capable = (ks) mampu/cakap

Whatever it is, you don’t want them to randomly browse your blog.

whatever it is = apapun itu (kt.sambung)

If you are offering a product or service, most likely direct sales will convert much weaker than if you capture their information and follow up

capture their information = mendapatkan informasi dari mereka

follow up = menindak lanjuti

RSS provides another way for content consumers to get updated content from your blog by pulling data from your server as new post becomes available without giving away their name or email address.

new post becomes available = post baru menjadi tersedia

available = (ks) tersedia/dapat

give away = memberikan secara gratis

Email has been around much longer than RSS feeds and it is one of the most measurable online marketing and advertising channels.

one of the most measureable online marketing = salah satu pemasaran online yang paling bisa diukur

Discussions about social media metrics are heating up, but there’s no single answer to every situation out there.

heating up = memanas

Some of the traditional metrics are still useful for tracking social media activities, because eventually you are leading people back to your web site or blog.

eventually = (ks) pada akhirnya

Engagement in social media may be used as currency to the success of your campaign.

engagement = (kb) penggunaan

if they remember your brand more than ever after reading your story in one particular issue.

if they remember your brand - more than ever - after reading your story in one particular issue

jika mereka mengingat merk/nama anda - lebih daripada yang pernah ada - setelah membaca cerita ini di satu isu yang utama

more than ever = lebih dari pada sebelumnya / lebih daripada yang pernah ada

With so many things to do and so little time, it pays if you focus on the 20 percent that brings in 80 percent the results (The Pareto principle).

with so many things to do = dengan begitu banyak hal yang harus dilakukan

and so little time = dan dengan sangat sedikit waktu

Traffic, for many bloggers, is the only thing that counts. If everything else is the same, more traffic simply means more revenue and sales. That’s true but nowadays, knowing more metrics can be really helpful if you want to survive and thrive in the market.

the only thing that counts = hanya satu hal yang diperhitungkan

want to survive and thrive in the market = ingin bertahan hidup dan berkembang pesat di pasar

thrive = (kki) tumbuh subur/berkembang pesat

What keywords did people search to find your site / blog pages? This may as well serve as the foundation for your keyword research and expand your content.

may as well = juga bisa


Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Learn English January 31th 2009 Session 2

Learn English January 31th 2009 Session 1 (Favorite)

These sentences was taken from It would be better if you read "the article" first to fully understand.

A couple of weeks back I was sent these questions as part of an interview that someone wanted to do in the writing of a book.

a couple of weeks back = beberapa minggu lalu
comment: jika anda ingin menceritakan kejadian yang lalu, anda bisa menggunakan kata "a couple of week back" or "a couple week ago"

was sent = dikirim
comment: using word "was" instead of "am", because menceritakan masa lalu (past tense)

In the end the person doing the interview couldn’t use it - so I’ve decided that rather than waste the significant time I put into responding that I’d post the answers here.

in the end = pada akhirnya (kt.sambung)
Comment: kata ini sering dipakai, yang berhubungan dengan sebab akibat

I've decided that rather than - waste the significant time = saya telah memutuskan hal itu - daripada - membuang waktu yang berharga

rather than = lebih memilih [pertama] daripada [kedua]
example: I would like to blog 1 post per day - rather than - make many posting at once

I put into responding = saya memutuskan untuk menanggapi

put into = bertindak/ikut terlibat

The focus of the interview seemed to be going down the route of getting ‘fast traffic’ to a blog.

seemed to be going down the route = kelihatannya akan menuruni rute

seem = (kk/kki) kelihatannya

You’ll see this theme coming up numerous times in the questions and probably sense a little of my frustration with the idea in my answers.

this theme coming up numerous times in the questions = tema ini sudah beberapa kali muncul dalam pertanyaan

coming up = muncul

numerous times = beberapa kali

Please introduce yourself to our readers…

introduce yourself = memperkenalkan diri

introduce = (kkt) memperkenalkan

I live in Melbourne Australia with my wife

live = tinggal/bertempat tinggal

I’ve been blogging for a little over 6 years

have been blogging = have + been + verb+ing
comment: menceritakan kejadian masa lalu yang sampai sekarang masih dilakukan

It started completely as a hobby but gradually grew into a part time and then full time job (and then beyond)

gradually = (kk) secara bertahap

grew into = berkembang menjadi

grew (past) dari kata "grow" artinya (kkt/kki) tumbuh/berkembang

I’m also a keen photographer and love to read.

a keen photographer = tukang foto yang rajin

keen = (ks) rajin/teliti

What blogs do you own, which one is your favorite, and why did you start it?

what blogs do you own = berapa blog yang anda miliki

own = (kkt/ks) memiliki

my most recent blog - a blog focusing upon Twitter Tips).

upon = pada

I enjoy each blog for different reasons but I guess if I had to give up two and keep one the one I’d keep would be ProBlogger

give up = menyerah

comment: maksud dari kalimat diatas: "jika saya harus menyerah pada yang dua dan mempertahankan satu blog, saya akan memilih problogger"

I started ProBlogger simply because it was a blog I wanted to read myself

I wanted to read myself = saya ingin membacanya sendiri

read myself = baca sendiri

I was experimenting with making blogging a business but no one else was writing about that at the time - so I thought I’d start it and journal what I was learning.

no one else = tidak ada orang lagi

at the time = pada waktu itu
comment: menceritakan tentang suatu waktu "di waktu itu"

what is the number one thing you learned about blogging that has impacted your bottom line, that thing that makes the difference between succeeding and failing in this business?

the number one thing = [thing/sesuatu] sesuatu/hal yang menjadi nomor satu

has impacted your bottom line = yang telah membawa pengaruh yang besar terhadap fondasi anda

impact = tubrukan/pengaruh besar

bottom line = fondasi

There are so many things and to isolate one is difficult (and perhaps not that helpful as great blogs are built upon many factors and rarely just one thing).

and perhaps not - that helpful = dan mungkin tidak membantu

as great blogs = menjadi blog yang besar

are built upon many factors = dibangun dari banyak faktor

rarely just one thing = jarang hanya satu hal

rarely = (kk) jarang

Blogs need to meet a need or solve a problem that potential readers have

need to = butuh untuk

meet a need = menemukan kebutuhan

that potential readers have = yang dipunyai oleh pembaca potensial

My strategy has always been to write content that people will want to read now - but also for years to come.

for years to come = beberapa tahun yang akan datang
comment: patut anda hafalkan kata-kata ini, untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu masa mendatang

It might not bring traffic quickly but if you write something that is still relevant in a year or more you’ll continue to draw traffic to it.

in a year or more = dalam setahun atau lebih

draw traffic = mendatangkan traffic/pengunjung

draw = (kk) mendatangkan
comment: "draw" has many meaning, but in this context "draw" is "mendatangkan" in bahasa

Take a long term view, build something that matters and you’ll build a blog that grows in traffic over the long haul.

take a long term view = ambil sudut pandang jangka panjang

matter = (kki) berarti

the long haul = tangkapan yang panjang

This in turn can lead to ongoing income.

ongoing income = pendapatan yang terus menerus

ongoing = (ks) terus menerus

displaying subscription methods prominently...

prominently = (kk) secara mencolok

You have to start from scratch as a “nobody”. What will you do then for the next 30 days...

from scratch = mulai dari awal

I’m not sure it’ll make 1000 visitors a day within 30 days the way I’d do it but...

within = dalam
comment: "within" biasanya berhubungan dengan angka

Do this and they’ll pass on word of your blog to others for you and in the long haul you’ll see bigger growth.

pass on word of your blog to other = membicarakan blog anda dengan lainnya

pass on word = membicarakan/memberitahu

bigger growth = pertumbuhan besar

growth = (kb) pertumbuhan
comment: jangan dicampur aduk dengan kata "grow". Karena memiliki arti yang berbeda


Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Learn English January 31th 2009 Session 1 (Favorite)

Learn English January 30th 2009 Session 1

these sentences was taken from

Over the years, monetizing my traffic has always been one of my biggest hurdles

hurdle = (kb) halangan/rintangan

When I was a small website with low traffic, potential advertisers didn’t bother dealing with me

didn't bother dealing with me = tidak bersusah payah negosiasi dengan saya

bother = (kki) bersusah payah

comment: "bother" bisa menjadi kt. benda (kb), kt. keterangan (kk) dan kt. kerja intrinsik (kki) yang artinya: "mengganggu atau menyusahkan"

In addition, I did not have the resources to hire salespeople to help sell ads on my site

in addition = (kt. sambung) tambahan lagi

hire = (kkt) menyewa/menggaji

Comment: "hire" bisa menjadi: kata benda (kb) : "sewa"

hiring = (kb) persewaan

hired = (ks) yang diupahi

How was I supposed to expand my website to become a big-time player without funding to fuel my growth?

I supposed to expand my website = saya mengandaikan untuk mengembangkan website saya

suppose = (kk/kkt) mengandaikan

supposing = (kt. sambung) seandainya/sekiranya

I get highly targeted ads with high eCPMs, and I don’t have to spend my time or money selling off my ad inventory myself.

I don't have to spend my time = saya tidak harus menghabiskan waktu saya

spend : (kk) menghabiskan


Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Learn English January 30th 2009 Session 1

Learn English January 28th 2009 Session 2

These sentences was taken from It would be good if you read the "full" article first to fully understand.

Everyday was the same thing over and over again.

Comment: nothing special to this sentence, but I do like it. By this sentence you can express: " suatu kebiasaan yang berulang-ulang".

example: "everyday was the same thing over and over again. I was bored. Changes is a must for me to make my life more colorful"

Sometimes we feel today is the same as yesterday and the same as the day before.

the same as yesterday and the same as the day before = sama seperti kemarin dan kemarinnya lagi

We feel like we really haven’t accomplished much and if we had to recall what happened yesterday, we can barely remember anything significant

haven't accomplished much = belum mendapatkan pencapaian yang besar

if we had to recall what happened yesterday = jika saya harus mengingat lagi kejadian kemarin

comment: memakai "had" dan bukan "have", karena merupakan bentuk kalimat pengandaian (mengandai-andai)

we can barely remember anything significant = saya hampir tidak mengingat sesuatu yang penting

barely = (kk) hampir tidak / sedikit sekali

I sometimes feel trapped in this merry-go-round more often than I’d like to admit. Do you?

feel trapped = merasa terjebak

in this merry-go-round = (kt. ungkapan) sesuatu yang berulang-ulang

We, as humans, don’t like change, we’re built to return to the familiar.

we're built to = kita diciptakan untuk

return to the faimiliar = kembali ke sesuatu yang sudah kita kenal

Our minds work like a well-oiled machine that filters out noise and provides a semblance of continuity and order.

provides a semblance of continuity and order = memberikan kemiripan terhadap pengulangan dan perintah

provide = (kkt) menyediakan/memberikan

semblance = (kb) persamaan/kemiripan

Earlier this week, I listened to a speaker talk about the “new normal.”

earlier this week = awal minggu ini


Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Learn English January 28th 2009 Session 2

Learn English January 28th 2009 Session 1

These sentences was taken from Please, read it first to fully understand then

Well, I have been studying this for awhile and concluded that getting your blog posts stumbled on StumbleUpon will on average, decrease your Adsense revenue by 20-30%

for awhile = untuk beberapa saat

concluded that = (kki) menarik kesimpulan

conclude = (kki/kkt) menyimpulkan

decrease = (kkt) mengurangi

Don’t get me wrong, StumbleUpon is a great source of free traffic but it’s not good for your Adsense.

Don't get me wrong = jangan salahkan saya

When you inflate your web traffic levels with lots of impressions and no clicks, your CTR goes down dramatically

inflate = (kkt) membumbungkan/meningkatkan

inflated = (ks) yang melambung

dramatically = perubahan yang besar

All those other blog posts you bring in extra couple hundred visits using StumbleUpon are not worth it as they are inflating your Adsense CTR down and decreasing your revenue.

all those other blog posts = semua postingan blog lainnya

Comment: "all those" bermakna mewakili dari "other blog posts" yang bermakna jamak

bring in = membawa masuk

Comment: "bring" + "in" merupakan satu paket kata, yang berarti: "membawa masuk"

not worth it = tidak berharga / kurang berharga

Recently, I took some break from stumbling and my CTR just shot up back to September 2008, when I was making more money with less web traffic.

recently = (kk) baru-baru ini / akhir-akhir ini

recent = (ks) baru saja

Example: I had a recent letter from him = saya baru saja menerima surat dari dia

some break = istirahat / berhenti beberapa saat

Other Example: let't take some break, before continuing the trip

shot up back = kembali naik

StumbleUpon is great otherwise for non-Adsense sites such as photography or you simply enjoy stumbling.

great otherwise for... = otherwise great for...= sebaliknya, hebat untuk

otherwise = (ks) sebaliknya

otherwise = (kk) lain/kebalikan

example: to do otherwise = melakukan yang lain/kebalikan


Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Learn English January 28th 2009 Session 1

Learn English January 27th 2009 Session 1

These sentences was taken from You'd better to read it first to fully understand "in the context"

I think it's a really good read that many up and coming bloggers need to read.

artinya: saya kira ini bacaan yang benar-benar bagus yang wajib dibaca bagi banyak blogger yang sudah berkembang dan juga yang baru memulai

many up and coming bloggers = banyak blogger yang sudah berkembang dan baru memulai

What really hit me in the post is how most people change what they talk about as soon as they get some readership and then try to write what people want instead of what they want.

what really hit me = apa yang paling membuat saya terpukul

what they talk about = apa yang mereka bicarakan

talk about = bicara tentang

write what people want instead of what they want = menulis apa yang orang inginkan daripada apa yang mereka inginkan

instead of = dari pada / lebih memilih daripada

I get probably 10-20 solicitations a day to write about someone’s product or whatever…

solicitation = (kb) permintaan / permohonan

But more then anything I try not to clutter the blog with crap

clutter = (kkt) mengacaukan

crap = sampah/sesuatu yang tidak berguna

-the end-

Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Learn English January 27th 2009 Session 1

Learn English January 26th 2009 Session 2

these sentences was taken from Please, read it first to fully understand "in the context"

In fact at the time, I thought most blogs were self-indulgent, boring, and poorly written

self indulgent = membaik-baikkan diri

indulgent = (ks) sangat baik / terlalu baik

example: "indulgent mother" = "ibu yang terlalu baik"

In short, blogging just seemed like a waste of time and effort

seemed like a waste of time and effort = kelihatan sepertin menghabiskan waktu dan usaha

seem = (kki) nampaknya / rupa-rupanya

seemingly = (kk) [arti sama]

And I guess I had a snobbish writer attitude too

here, if we translate the sentence in bahasa, will to be: " dan saya kira, saya juga memiliki sifat penulis yang sombong"

snobbish = (ks) tinggi hati / suka sombong

example: Don't be snobbish person, because no one likes

the idea that real writers didn’t need to blog because their writing was good enough to get published through more legitimate, mainstream ways

let's break apart these sentences into more understandable sentence [sorry if my english is not correct, I still learn, you know it?]

the idea - that real writers didn't need to blog - because - their writing was good enough to get published - through more legitimate, mainstream ways.

ide - yang mengatakan bahwa penulis tidak butuh blog - [alasannya] karena - tulisannya sudah cukup bagus untuk diterbitkan melalui media yang lebih dipercaya, jalan yang utama

legitimate = (ks) sah / logis [masuk akal]

example: "legitimate conclusion" = "kesimpulan yang logis"

In my mind, push-button publishing was for the wannabes, not the real McCoys.

for the wannabes = untuk orang yang ingin coba coba

word "wannabe" come from the words "want + to + be"

example: I wannabe the stars

you can say: I want to be the stars

Blogs aren’t just popular among individuals anymore either

among = diantara [diantara lebih dari dua benda/objek]

So this past year, I finally succumbed to this thing called blogging

finally succumbed to this thing = akhirnya mengalah terhadap hal ini

succumb = (kki) mengalah / mematikan

That said, I’m not getting rich or pulling in six figures (yet anyway). But I’ve learned a few great things along the way.

I've learned a few great things along the way = saya sudah belajar banyak hal sepanjang proses itu [along the way]

along the way = sepanjang proses/perjalanan itu

I know this sounds odd coming from someone who has written for most of her life

sounds odd = kedengaran janggal/aneh

odd = (ks) aneh / janggal

oddly = (kk) anehnya

the one that got lost in between all the same assignments, projects, and stories that have thankfully paid the bills and kept the lights on month after month

that have thankfully paid the bill = yang telah "bersyukur banget" membayar saya

thankfully = sangat berterima kasih / bersyukur

See, when you blog, you’re writing about a particular topic, armed with all the facts that you’d be including in a typical news story

writing about particular topic = menulis tentang topik yang khusus

particular = (ks) khusus/teliti

particularly = (kk) terutama sekali

And I have to say there’s nothing more gratifying to me than getting a “Good job”

more gratifying = (ks) lebih memuaskan / membahagiakan

gratify = (kkt) memberi kepuasan / kebahagiaan

gratified = (ks) puas/bahagia/senang

I received a nice compliment from one of my readers

compliment = (kb) pujian/salam

comment: "compliment" bisa juga menjadi kata keterangan (kk) yang berarti "memberi pujian / mengucapkan selamat"

and it literally made my day.

if we translate in bahasa: "dan hal ini sungguh-sungguh [literally] membuat hariku bermakna [made my day]

literally = (kk) benar-benar/sungguh-sungguh

made my day = (kt.ungkapan) membuat hariku bermakna

To be honest, some days I don’t feel very inspired at all when I first start writing a post

to be honest = (kt.ungkapan) sejujurnya

And regardless of how sluggish I feel some mornings, inspiration always seems to meet me somewhere in the middle as my writing picks up momentum

regardless of = selain dari/karena, [atau bisa juga diartikan "terlepas dari"]

sluggish = (ks) malas, [bisa juga diartikan "lembam", "seret"]


Be Global Blog With English

READ MORE - Learn English January 26th 2009 Session 2

Learn English January 26th 2009 Session 1

these sentences below was taken from Please, read it first to fully understand

Do you get excited about thinking about doing something?

get excited = bersemangat / bergairah

excited = (ks) semangat / bergairah

excite = (kkt) semangat / membangkitkan gairah

comment: ingat ya, agar menjadi kata sifat, harus ditambahi "+ed"

oy, "exciting = excite + ing" juga merupakan kata sifat yang artinya "yang menggairahkan / yang mengasyikkan". "exciting" biasanaya diikuti kata benda "exciting story", "exciting film", etc...

The main difference between Envy and Jealousy is that with Envy you wish to take away what the person you are envious of has

the main difference = perbedaan utama

difference = (kb) perbedaan

Dalam kata sifat, namanya "different" >> "different question", "different jobs"

jealousy = (kb) kecemburuan,

kt. sifatnya = jealous

jealous+ly = jealously = (kk) dengan penuh hati-hati / penuh dengan kewaspadaan

Comment: "jealously", memiliki arti yang benar-benar beda daripada yang lainnya. Anda perlu hati-hati dan lebih teliti dalam penggunaannya

envy = (kb) cemburu / iri hati

Comment: antara "jealousy" dengan "envy" memiliki arti hampir sama yaitu "iri hati atau cemburu". Perbedaanya adalah "envy" lebih berkonotasi negatif dan merusak

to take away = merebut

the person you are envious of has = yang dipunyai (of has) oleh orang yang anda cemburui

I get so pissed off looking at forums or on IRC and hear people do NOTHING but constantly rip on other people and plot to take them down

pissed off = kecewa / muak

Being so fat when I was a kid really makes me invulnerable to this stuff.

being so fat = menjadi sangat gemuk

invulnerable = (kb) kebal
Did you just trip over a rock and fall into a profitable niche?

"trip over a rock", artinya?

comment: hmm..apa ya artinya?, terus terang saya sendiri belum tahu pasti, tapi kalau melihat dari kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya, kurang lebih artinya: "bisa melewati hambatan"

YOUR A MORON! Guess how I know?!?! Shut up

moron = (kb) bodoh/tolol

Anyway don’t be a showoff. Learn some humility.

showoff = (kb) pamer

humility = (kb) kerendahan hati

Yes I am a hypocrite.

hypocrite = (kb) orang munafik
-the end-

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Learn English January 26th 2009 Session 1

Learn English January 25th 2009 Session 2

these sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand.

Today I stumbled across a website called I decided to check it out

stumbled accross a website = nyangkut/mampir ke website

stumble = (kki) tersandung

I decided to check it out after noticing quite a few blog posts commenting..

quite = (kk) sungguh

quite a few blog posts

comment: "quite" disini kurang lebihnya berarti "lumayan banyak"

I decided to check it out after noticing quite a few blog posts commenting that the site delivered a surge in traffic after their site was added to the AlphaInventions system

after noticing = setelah memperhatikan

"notice" bisa menjadi kata benda (kb), sekaligus kata keterangan (kk) yang kurang lebihnya berarti "memperhatikan / mengamati"

a surge in traffic = gelombang traffic [traffic/lalu lintas]

traffic in = (kki) berdagang / berjual beli

surge = (kb) gelombang / gelora

surging = (ks) yang bergerak / yang bergelombang

AlphaInventions seems like a Blog version of StumbleUpon both in terms of how it works but it remains to be seen if you'll receive the same amount of traffic or more

seems like = (kki) seperti

seemingly = (kk) nampaknya / rupa-rupanya

remains to be seen = masih tetap bisa dilihat

remain = (kki) tinggal / tetap

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Learn English January 25th 2009 Session 2

Learn English January 25th 2009

These sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand

If you’re starting out in blogging for the first time it is easy to get ahead of yourself

start out = mulai

to get ahead of yourself = melangkah sendirian

to get ahead of = melangkah

There’s so much information out there, in fact sometimes it's way too much information

in fact = kenyataannya

What happens sometimes is that beginning bloggers start to feel overwhelmed and like they’ll never be able to do what’s necessary to have a successful blog.

ovelwhelm = kewalahan

a successful blog = blog yang sukses

successful merupakan kata sifat [kata sifat itu tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, harus dipasangkan dengan kata benda],

sedangkan "success" merupakan kata benda
example: success in blog

I went the traditional business route and got my MBA in 1996. The world has changed quickly since then

since then = sejak itu

comment: jangan lupa menggunakan kata lampau, karena kata "since then" berkaitan dengan cerita masa lalu

I’ve been blogging for just over 6 months, but started my only currently running blog at the beginning of December 2008

my only currently running blog = blog saya satu-satunya yang masih jalan

comment: kadang memberi kata sifat yang banyak terhadap kata benda sedikit membingungkan. Disini kata benda "blog" diberi kata sifat yang berlapis-lapis yaitu "only", "currently", dan "running"

I want to be known as an expert in my field of helping people figure out how to get what they want

be known as = dikenal sebagai

figure out = mencari cara

Are you trying to convey some point of view or opinion

to convey = (kkt) menyampaikan

People arriving at your site from unrelated words will make them annoyed

make them annoyed = membuat mereka terganggu

annoy = (kkt) mengganggu

No matter what you choose, it won’t do much until your blog has some kind of traction

has some kind of traction = memiliki semacam daya tarik

traction = (kb) daya tarik

Keep working on improving and enjoying the writing on your blog while you work to get it to take hold.

to take hold = terus menerus

comment: "take hold" bisa memiliki arti yang berbeda-beda, tergantung dari kalimat yang menemaninya

the end

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Learn English January 25th 2009

Learn English January 22th 2009 Session 2

these sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand

Okay, I have been a little busy lately but the show must go on

show must go on = terus berjalan
My secret to online blogging success (that success defined by 1 million pageviews/month) can be boiled down to 1 sentence

online blogging success = blogging secara online yang bisa sukses

Comment: kata "success", penempatan katanya agak membingungkan terutama yang terdiri dari 3 kata seperti contoh diatas.

can be boiled down = (kt.ungkapan) dapat dirumuskan / dapat dirangkumkan

Comment: terus terang kata "can be boiled down" saya belum tahu pasti artinya, saya hanya mencoba meraba arti kata tersebut, tentunya berdasarkan kalimat sebelumnya dan sesudahnya. Kalau diartikan secara harfiah sih, arti "can be boiled down" adalah "direbus"

Because search engines will eventually crawl your site, index your content, and send you any relevant traffic based on your writing.

will eventually crawl your site = pada akhirnya akan me-crawl (menggerayangi) situs anda

eventually: (kb) pada akhirnya
eventual : (ks) akhirnya

The summary of article:

the secret to online blogging success are:
1. Write good content (quality)
2. Write blog regularly (quantity)

if you want to go succeed in blogging, just simply write blog regularly and fill it with good contents and the visitor will comes

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Learn English January 22th 2009 Session 2

Learn English January 22th 2009

This santences was taken from You'd better read it first to fully understand.

One of the best traits of every successful person I’ve analyzed is the fact that they’ve failed more often than any other person in that industry.

trait = (kb) ciri / sifat

Why? Because failure drives you, everytime you fail, you learn something new. Now, if you didn’t learn anything by failing, you probably didn’t fail enough.

failure drives you = kegagalan membimbing anda

Comment: "failure" merupakan kata benda. Sedangkan "fail" adalah kata keterangan. "failing" juga kata benda yang artinya hampir sama

Just don’t let a failure get you down because the next time you challenge yourself, I am sure you have just increased your chances of success by failing.

get you down = putus asa (kt.ungkapan)

Summary of the article:

Don't be afraid of failure. Because of it you can learn from and makes you stronger like a stone, either. A lot of famous and rich man came up because of their failure, they learnt by and got succeed with it

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Learn English January 22th 2009

Learn English January 21th 2009

This sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand.

Feedburner, which was acquired by Google last year, is officially transferring its system to Feedburner.Google.Com.

which was acquired by google last year = yang mana telah diambil alih google tahun lalu
comment: "was acquired by" merupakan bentuk kata pasif, dapat dilihat dari kata "was" dan "by"

acquire = (kkt) mendapatakan / memperoleh / mengambil

I believe this is due to the enhanced features Google is adding and also to automate adding Adsense ads to your feeds.

is due = disebabkan

the enhanced features google = peningkatan fitur google

I believe - this is due to - the enhanced features google - is adding
comment: kalimat ini agak membingungkan untuk diartikan, tetapi dengan memisahkan perkata akan lebih mudah untuk dimengerti.

the enhanced features google is adding
peningkatan fitur google bertambah

the article summary:
Feedburner has move to Feedburner.Google.Com

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Learn English January 21th 2009

Learn English January 17th 2009

this sentences was taken from Please read it first to fully understand

If you ever were scared or intimidated of a blog, now is the best time to flush away those fears and start a blog

were scared or intimidated = ketakutan dan tertekan
comment: karena kalimat pengandaian maka menggunakan kata lampau "were"

flush away = (ungkapan/idiom) membersihkan / menghilangkan

Blogging allows you to own your Google results, which, in return will allow people to find you

in return = konsekuensinya / menghasilkan

One of the main benefits of blogging, aside from positioning yourself as an expert, is the added visibility to your brand name

aside from = selain dari / terlepas dari

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Learn English January 17th 2009

Arti Rather Than Adalah Lebih Baik Daripada

It’s - why - I - put - most of - my time - into - textual mediums - rather than - video.

rather than = [lebih baik] daripada
comment: "rather than" mengungkapkan bahwa pilihan pertama lebih baik dari pada yang kedua

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Arti Rather Than Adalah Lebih Baik Daripada

Arti Seek Adalah Mencari

this part of article taken from

Writers are - typically desperate - to find inspiration. They seek - creativity - like a desert - cries for rain. They quest for - the perfect undiscovered angle, - turning over ideas - like a grub-hunter turns over stones.

seek = (kkt) mencari

quest for = (kb) penyelidikan / pencarian
>> they quest for the perfect undiscovered angle
>> mereka [melakukan] pencarian untuk "sudut sempurna yang belum ditemukan"

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Arti Seek Adalah Mencari

Arti Cater adalah Memenuhi atau Melayani

this sample of article taken from

My latest flip - is a small blog - with a big heart. - With many wanting - to earn a side income - because of the bad economy, - i decided - to create a blog site - which caters to - this hungry niche.

which caters to = yang mana memenuhi / melayani

cater = [kki] melayani / memenuhi / menyediakan

comment: for ease to remember this word, maybe you have familiar with the word "catering" "melayani pesanan makanan". So please remeber "Catering" to consider with "cater"

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Arti Cater adalah Memenuhi atau Melayani

Learn English January 16th 2009

Please, firstly read this article before going further

The article what we are going to discuss is talking about whether we need put ads or not at your blog. Ok, let see the words you should consider about:

"To really maximize income, - you might need to - consider putting a ton af ads, - whether that's adsense or chitika"

consider putting a ton of ads = [consider]mempertimbangkan untuk menaruh iklan yang banyak

whether that's adsense or chitika = [whether]apakah itu adsense atau chitika
comment: "whether" biasa dipakai untuk menunjukkan [diantara] 2 pilihan

ad = advertisement (kb) iklan

I know, - I know, - the so-called “readers” - will be drawn away - if you have - too many ads.

will be drawn away = [sebuah ungkapan] kabur / pergi
Comment: [another example] the readers will leave your blog if you have too many ads

Well, - I am - just trying - to make sense out - of all the people - who say - you need - to not fill - your blog - with ads.

to make sense out = memberi pendapat / perasaan
comment: "make sense" bisa diartikan "masuk akal"
But the fact of life is, - you need - to fill your blog - with ads - unless - you are already rich and famous.

unless = kecuali / dengan kata lain
Similiar words: otherwise, except

already rich and famous = [already] sudah kaya dan terkenal

Comment to the article:
in this article, the writer tells you to put your blog with ads, because 99% of readers will never come back

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Learn English January 16th 2009

Arti Apart From Adalah Selain Dari

Apart from making money on the internet, blogs in general are probably the most powerful communication medium today

apart from - making money - on the internet - blogs in general - are probably - the most - powerful communication medium - today

apart from = terlepas dari / selain dari

making money = membuat uang

on the internet = di internet

blog+s in general = blog secara umum
comment: blog+s ["blog" ditambah "s"], karena membicarakan blog secara umum/banyak

are probably = mungkin

the most = paling

powerful communication medium = media komunikasi yang kuat/hebat

today = saat ini

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Arti Apart From Adalah Selain Dari

Bust = Jebol / Hilang

Don't bust your wallet looking for a reliable web host. Don't fall for the oversellers either - read this article before you buy another web hosting package.

Don't bust - your wallet - looking for - a reliable web host
Don't fall - for the oversellers either - read - this article - before - you buy - another web hosting package

bust = jebol / hilang
don't bust your wallet = jangan menjebol kantong anda >> maksudnya jangan membuang uang sia-sia

either = juga
Don't fall for the oversellers either = jangan jatuh ke makelar juga

kalimat lengkapnya begini:
don't bust your wallet looking for a reliable web host. don't fall for the oversellers either
jangan membuang uang hanya untuk mencari webhost yang kuat. Jangan jatuh juga ke tangan makelar juga [either]

ok, that's all folks, I hope you enjoy it

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Bust = Jebol / Hilang

The Better = Lebih Baik

The more friends you have on your list; the better
the more friends - you have - on your list - the better

saya menyukai gaya bahasa yang dipakai "the better"
[I like the style of this sentence]

translated in bahasa:
semakin banyak teman yang anda dapat dalam daftar anda, semakin bagus

the better = lebih baik / semakin bagus

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - The Better = Lebih Baik

In Existence

MySpace is the biggest friend networking site in existence today.

Millions of members have set up profiles to connect with friends, family, interest groups and so on.

I won't get into the history of MySpace right now, but I will share some information with you that will change your life, and perhaps your wallet size.

myspace - is - the biggest friend networking site (situs jaringan pertemanan terbesar)- in - existence - today

millions of members - have set up - profiles - to connect with - friends, family, interest groups - and so on

I won't - get into - the history of - myspace - right now - but I will share - some information - with you - that will change - your life - and - perhaps your wallet size

in existence = yang ada (kata benda)
interest groups = group yang memiliki minat/kepentingan yang sama
so on = dan lainnya
perhaps = mungkin

sample of article taken from
Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - In Existence

Assure = Menjamin atau memastikan

I assure you, you will start making money online

I - assure - you - you - will - start - making - money - online

I assure you = saya menjamin kepada anda

you will = anda akan

start making money online = mulai menghasilakan uang secara online

assure = menjamin / memastikan

Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Assure = Menjamin atau memastikan

Vocabulary January 14th 2009

Everyday, I spend about 30 minutes in my kitchen “alone” brainstorming new ideas for websites and jot them on my whiteboard.

I usually end up with 2-5 different ideas per day, this one is actually one of those. (I will share more in the future blog posts, so subscribe to the blog!)

spend about 30 minutes = menghabiskan waktu sekitar 30 menit

Jot = mencatat
comment: I think "jot" is a word that rarely heard in public, at least in my life (ya iyalah kamu kan orang indonesia...beneeer juga..)

end up = berakhir

one of those / one of them = salah satu dari mereka

sample of article taken from
Be Global Blog With English
READ MORE - Vocabulary January 14th 2009

Enrol Now = Daftar Sekarang

English Language and Computing Academic Year £ 249.00, Enrol Now!

English Language - and - Computing Academic - Year £ 249.00, - Enrol now

in this example, phrase "enrol now" mean "daftar sekarang" in bahasa. This sentence is taken from an ads that displayed in adword

Enrol now = Daftar sekarang
you can use "enrol" or "enroll" in sentences

Be Gloabal Blog With English
READ MORE - Enrol Now = Daftar Sekarang

Learn English January 14th 2009 Edition

This is probably one of the simplest things people overlook when starting out their Adwords campaigns

This is - probably - one of the simplest things - people overlook - when - starting out - their adwords

this is = ini

probably = mungkin

one of the simplest things = satu hal yang paling sederhana

people overlook = yang orang hadapi

when = ketika

starting out = memulai

their adwords = adword meraka

By separted the word and phrase, the sentences will be easy to understand

the sample of article taken from

Be Global Blog with English

READ MORE - Learn English January 14th 2009 Edition

Always Use Exact Phrase Match

Always use exact phrase match

[agar mudah dipahami kita pisah-pisahkan perkata dan pasangannya]
[for ease to understand let separated each word or phrase]

Always - use - exact phrase - match

always = selalu
use = menggunakan
exact phrase = frase tepat
match = yang cocok
READ MORE - Always Use Exact Phrase Match

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 14 Januari 2009

this piece of article taken from

If you are doing some Adwords campaigns for your company, there’s a couple things you must not forget to do. Otherwise, you might be throwing some good money down the drain.


if you are doing some adwords campaigns = jika anda berpromosi melalui adwords

for your company = untuk perusahaan anda

there's a couple things you must not forget to do = ada beberapa hal yang tidak boleh dilupakan untuk dikerjakan

otherwise = sebaliknya [dengan kata lain / kebalikannya]

you might be throwing some good money = anda mungkin hanya akan membuang uang

down the drain = (ungkapan) dengan sia-sia/gagal


some adword+s campaign+s = jamak/plural

couple thing+s = jamak/plural


campaign = promosi/kampanye

couple = sepasang/beberapa

otherwise = sebaliknya/kebalikannya/dengan kata lain
READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 14 Januari 2009

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 9 Januari 2009

I joined these affiliate programs in May 2007 and since my lenses were already established for a few months, the earnings started coming in almost immediately as you can see from the June and July payments. {affiliate earnings are on a one month lag so these sales were actually made in May and June.}

saya bergabung program afiliasi ini di bulan mei 2007 dan semenjak lensa saya sudah terbit selama beberapa bulan (lens: istilah yang dibuat oleh, pendapatan mulai berdatangan dengan cepatnya di hampir setiap pembayaran bulan juni dan juli. Pendapatan afiliasi merupakan pembayaran untuk satu bulan yang lalu, jadi sebetulnya penjualan ini terjadi di bulan mei dan juni
petikan kalimat diatas saya ambil dari

these affiliate programs = menunjukan bahwa orang ini mengikuti setidaknya lebih dari satu program, bisa dilihat dari penggunaan kata "these" (kebalikan dari "this" yang merupakan kata tunggal).

untuk menunjukkan kata jamak selain "these" juga perlu ditambah "+s" yaitu dikata "programs".

comment: terus terang saya pribadi sering bingung untuk menentukan mana yang musti ditambahi "+s", apakah semua kata atau hanya tertentu saja. Tapi dicontoh ini jelas sekali kalau anda ingin membuat kalimat jamak, cukup ditambahkan "+s" di akhir kata saja dan tidak perlu menambahkan ke semua kata. Kira-kira contoh lainnya apa ya? (sebentar saya berfikir dulu)

those blue painted houses = rumah-rumah yang dicat biru itu
these set of files = satu set file
big elephants = gajah-gajah yang besar

he..he akhirnya bisa ngasih contoh juga, btw itu tadi bikinnya cukup lama juga lho, maklum belum expert di bahasa inggris.

in may 2007 = di bulan mei 2007

comment: saya sering bingung milih kata penghubung antara "in" atau "on" atau "at", yang paling tepat yang mana ya? kalau dicontoh ini sih makenya "in". Ok deh, ane ngikut aja ==> untuk menunjukkan bulan, gunakan "in"

in may
in june
in october

since my lenses were already established for a few months, the earnings started coming in = semenjak lensa-lensa saya sudah terbit selama beberapa bulan, pendapatan-pendapatan mulai berdatangan

comment: weleh..weleh kalimat ini complicated banget ya. Honestly jujur aja kalau ane disuruh bikin kalimat seperti itu kayaknya gak bisa deh, kecuali kalo nyontek...he.he gak lucu kan. Btw anyway busway mari kita kupas ditelanjangi kalimat itu satu per satu biar enak ngliatnya (wah jadi parno nih..)

kata "since" jodohnya ama kata lampau yang dicontoh kalimat ini terlihat di kata "were" ==> since were
kenapa "since" musti diikuti kata lampau? coba anda renung and dipikir-pikir kembali ==> since artinya semenjak atau sejak. Kata sejak bukankah berarti hal itu sudah terjadi. Sesuatu yang sudah terjadi of course anda harus menggunakan kata lampau. Kira-kira begitulah penjelasannya.. kalau ada yang salah mohon dikoreksi..

were already established for = kalimat pasif, dilihat dari "were" dan "establish + ed"

the earnings started coming in = pendapatan mulai berdatangan
kenapa musti ada +s di "the earnings"? "the earnings menunjukan kata jamak, karena memang ingin menerangkan pendapatannya yang berulang kali "as you can see from the june and july payments"

started = kata lampau dari "to start"

coming in = masuk, dari kata come + in

lag = jeda; a one month lag = jeda satu bulan

these sales were actually made in = kalimat pasif "were" + "made"
READ MORE - Belajar Bahasa Inggris Edisi 9 Januari 2009

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